The lure of the outdoors in Pacific Northwest spring and summer is irresistible. One of the best contexts for getting ‘out there’ can be fishing. Truly, introducing kids/grandkids to this great past time can lead to some real magic. Imagine building years of memories of times together on the plentiful lake, river, stream, and salt water fisheries just a short drive from Bellevue. You don’t need to be an expert to get started, you can be on the water in no time! We are rich in accessible fisheries. For short outings with the kids in the early stages, try one of the many juvenile only fishing holes right close by:
1. The Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River is accessible, beautiful, easily waded, and can be very productive. For more info, visit:
2. Rattlesnake Lake is best fished from some sort of small boat or raft. It too is beautiful and we’ve had some wonderful evenings full of fish. For more info, visit:
3. Try a guided fly fishing trip. Talk to the gang at Red’s on the Yakima River. They will set you up with an experienced guide for beginners. Spending a day with an expert, picking flies, tying knots, casting and getting coaching on the spot really shortens the learning curve. For more info, visit: