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Food, Beverages, Pickleball, Recipes

'Simply Sherri' Nutritionist Believes Intersection Of Food And Pickleball Is Community

“Simply, your best, one meal at a time" is the motto of Sherri Holzer, Nashville-based Mediterranean lifestyle nutrition expert. 

Within her business, Simply Sherri, she shows others how to use food for self-care in all facets of life. "I believe when people understand what's in their food, and how to eat what they love more healthfully, it can truly transform their lives," she explains. 

Sherri relishes discussing the nurturing power of food. "Food also serves as a reminder to approach life’s challenges with commitment and perseverance, one step, or meal, at a time," she adds. 

Through her client offerings, such as her Greek culinary experience and private coaching, she teaches that the simplest changes can impact people's lives the most. "My culinary experiences will open your eyes to see cooking as self-care and eliminate any guilt you have around your eating habits. Rather than advocating for fad diets, I share simple menus and easy-to-try tips and tricks that anyone can incorporate into their routine.”

Thanks to her Greek heritage, she says she emphasizes the importance of adopting a Mediterranean-style approach to cooking and eating, using fresh, seasonal ingredients whenever possible. The Mediterranean diet approach is a healthy-eating plan that's primarily plant-based, however, it's more similar to a lifestyle. There's no single definition for the diet, but it's based on the traditional cuisine of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Studies link the Mediterranean diet with lower risk factors for heart disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Additionally, the approach also is recognized by the World Health Organization as a healthy-eating pattern. 

“Many times, a simple lifestyle change can have a big impact, whether your goal is to lose weight, become a better athlete, or eat in alignment with wholesome ingredients," she adds. 

Sherri also is known for creating a thriving community of pickleball enthusiasts through her website and social media channels. As an official Pickleball Ambassador, she says she sees a strong link between food and pickleball and published a cookbook Everything But The Kitchen Dink; A Mediterranean Lifestyle Cookbook For Pickleball Enthusiasts, to offer simple and fun recipes to maintain a healthy lifestyle, both on-and-off the court.

"As they say, 'cooking is good for the soul,' and what better way to incorporate it into your life than alongside a fun group activity that brings people together," she quips. As the holidays approach, Sherri suggests that the cookbook will provide plenty of inspiration for upcoming, personal festive gatherings, as well as make a nice hostess or holiday gift. 

Sherri's new cookbook sells for $42.95. To preorder it online, follow the link from to Sherri's page on Those who preorder also receive a digital swag bag with exclusive discount codes to some of Sherri's favorite pickleball-inspired products, as well as some new recipes.

Here is one of her suggested dishes to make for fun, tasty sharing. 



  • 1 pound wild caught salmon filet, cut into 4 pieces
  • 1/3 cup pistachios, chopped
  • 1/2 cup basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 425° F.
  2. Place salmon skin side down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Add all ingredients from pistachios to pepper into a food processor and combine until smooth.
  4. Spread pistachio mixture to form a crust over top of each salmon piece.
  5. Bake until salmon is cooked through. Salmon should flake easily with a fork in about 15 minutes.

"My mission is to show others how to use food for self-care in all facets of life: love, happiness and health." ~Sherri Holzer, passionate provider of one-on-one nutrition mentorship to busy people.