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From Clutter to Calm

Decluttering Strategies for a Stress-Free Home

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, our homes often bear the brunt of the hectic schedules we keep. Living in a cluttered and disorganized space can cause anxiety, stress and a constant sense of overwhelm. It's time to transform your living space from a disarray of belongings to a sanctuary of tranquility. Join us as we explore some decluttering strategies to create a stress-free home and catch up with a local gem, Mumz Helping Handz, who knows all about the importance of organization. 

Tackle one space at a time

If you’re already feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your house, the worst thing you can do is look at the whole house and try to get it all under control in one fell swoop. Instead, try to break it down room by room and tackle one space at a time. Choose one to start with — preferably a room that you spend a lot of time in. If it’s a room you’re in all the time, you’ll be more impacted by the lack of clutter and have even more motivation to keep going with the rest of the house. Try starting with the kitchen, living room or main bedroom, and give it your undivided attention. Even just an hour or two will make a huge difference in a relatively small space.

Rotate seasonal items

When you’re trying to keep your home clutter-free and dynamic, one of the best strategies is to simply store things you don’t need out of the way. Prime real estate, like your main closet or a hallway closet, shouldn’t be overstuffed with Christmas decorations or summer clothes you won’t be able to wear for another four months. Try to rotate through seasonal items by putting off-season clothes, decor and accessories in a less noticeable area like a garage or attic.

Ensure everything has a place

Once you’ve worked so hard to get things organized, make sure it stays that way. The more compartmentalized your physical stuff is, the easier it will be to maintain your organization moving forward. That’s why it’s so important to make sure there’s a designated place for everything. Now is a great time to pick up some cute but functional storage solutions that complement your home's aesthetic while keeping items organized. Ottomans with hidden compartments, wall-mounted shelves and baskets or boxes are all great ways to keep your stuff contained.

Make it a habit

Having a decluttered, stress-free home isn’t a one-time activity — it’s an ongoing process. That’s why it’s absolutely vital to make tidying up and maintaining clutter a daily habit in your household. And one of the best habits to implement is the nightly reset. Every evening, try setting a timer for 30 minutes and use that time to get the house reset to its most organized and functional state. Load the dishwasher, clean the counters, sweep or vacuum, put away toys… the goal here is to get everything back in its designated area. And don’t try to tackle everything by yourself in those 30 minutes. The nightly reset is the perfect time for everyone in the house