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Fête Minuet

An 18th Century Grand Ball Benefitting the American Heart Association

The iconic arches of the Winter Park Events Center welcomed the elegantly costumed patrons of the first annual Fête Minuet, an 18th Century Costumed Ball in Winter Park, FL. A string quartet played in the courtyard as guests were served glasses of champagne and were ceremoniously announced to the Ball by their chosen royal monikers. The cool Florida winter temperature of 58 degrees was a very welcomed edition of this elaborate costumed event. Opulent wigs in every shape and shade were donned, and attendants offered even more adornments with feathers, jewels, birds, and ships to be added to those sky-reaching wigs as guests arrived.  Event sponsor Lindsay Matteoni, of MSTR Studios, even donned a slice of cake on her bright pink wig as a nod to Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake."  Many of the ladies donned wide panniers around their hips, exaggerating their silhouettes, as was the fashion of the era. Whether an attendee spent years creating a precise period piece from scratch or was one of many men in attendance wearing various colors of the doorstep delivery version, the creativity and design talent created an enchanting and visually stunning step back in time.  Kat Nagar of Atlanta Historic Dance served as Dance Mistress for the evening, teaching novices and experienced dancers alike the beautifully choreographed dances of the 18th century. Dancers twirled in their flowing gowns, unfurling from the "right-hand star" to duck under the bridged arms of the lead couple, ending the dance with a bow to their partners and applause to the live musicians. Guests of the Ball were encouraged to take photos at several picturesque vignettes scattered throughout the venue, including a beautiful 18th century carriage in the courtyard. A caricature artist commemorated the fantastic costumes of the patrons with an artistic souvenir of the evening. The Costume Contest was officiated by Betty Atchison, Brigitte Jensen and Patti Osborn. Contest hopefuls formed a queue stretching the length and a half of the large ballroom as they awaited their turn to court the Judges with their ornate ensembles. Costume contest winner Nicole de Brauwere spent three years creating her stunningly appointed gold and silver gown of historic perfection. Her elegant lavender wig was laden with silver roses and three shades of pink feathers, designed by Karin Enakander of Sweden. Kelley Graham, CEO & Founder of Fête Minuet, created an enchanting evening for those lucky enough to secure a ticket to this sold out event. Her love for historical fashion and dance is only outweighed by her heart for giving back. Her literal heart inspired her to partner this event with The American Heart Association. In September of 2019, Kelley suffered a heart attack “out of nowhere.” Only two weeks prior, she had read a story on social media about the difference in male and female heart attacks, and that knowledge just may have saved her life. Her mission for the Fête Minuet Ball, beyond the pomp and circumstance of the evening, is to raise awareness and funds to support the American Heart Association. The Fête Minuet Ball kicked off Kelley’s campaign with The American Heart Association called “Women of Impact.”  Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, affecting over 40% of women. Although both men and women may experience the “elephant on the chest" sensation during a heart attack, many women will not experience chest pressure at all. Women more often may experience shortness of breath, pressure or pain in the lower chest, upper back or upper abdomen, dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, or extreme fatigue. (American Heart Association). Event sponsors of the Fête Minuet Ball included The Sewing Studio, Expedia Cruises, French American Business Council of Orlando, & MSTR Studios. Delectable hors d'oeuvres and sumptuous desserts provided by none other than Arthur’s Creative Events and Catering.  "Thank you, Winter Park, for lending your beauty to The Fête Minuet Ball. It was truly a magical evening," says Kelley Graham. She and her husband David Graham and their team at Fête Minuet, LLC are already planning for next years’ event. Follow them on their social media and at to learn more about upcoming their events and to donate to American Heart Association's Women of Impact campaign.

"Thank you, Winter Park, for lending your beauty to The Fête Minuet Ball. It was truly a magical evening" -Kelley Graham