Offering well-balanced snacks will fill nutritional needs for children, with the added bonus of reducing between-meal munchies. Healthy fats found in foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds, are essential to brain development. Protein is also crucial for healthy growth - and it helps a kid feel satisfied!
For crunchy snacks like crackers or pretzels, pair with protein-filled options like cheese, nut/seed butter, Greek yogurt dip, or hummus.
Combining fruit with cottage cheese, yogurt, nut/seed butter, or a hardboiled egg will keep your child feeling full. Revitalize snack time by preparing fruit “nachos:” thin sliced apples, drizzled with peanut butter and chocolate chips.
Smoothies are a way to serve fruits with other healthy components. Increase protein content with milk, yogurt or nut butter. Chia seeds pack a protein punch, providing nutrients like fiber and brain-boosting Omega-3 fatty acids.Use cookie cutters to serve fruits and vegetables in fun shapes. Star-shaped cucumbers with hummus or ranch dressing, anyone?