How much do your kids know about ancient Rome? Better question—how much do you know about ancient Rome? If it's been a while since you took that Western civilization class in college, you might be a bit rusty. Spend some bonding time with your kiddos learning about the fascinating history of Rome through these online games and resources.
Dress a Roman Centurion
"What kind of gear did a Roman Centurion need? Find out with Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery as you help a Centurion prepare for battle! Once you've played the game why not have a go at making your own Roman shield with this fun make and do from Show Me." —Show Me UK
Roman History Hunt Game
"Go on a History Hunt with St Albans Museums as you travel through time to retrieve important artefacts." —Show Me UK
Roman History Game
"Topics include: Roman art, Roman baths, Roman buildings, gods and goddesses, travel and trade, Roman conquest, entertainment and more." —Grid Club
Loot Pursuit: Pompeii iPad App
"Loot Pursuit: Pompeii builds math skills for 6th and 7th graders in a fun, approachable way. The intuitive interface makes it easy for students to practice algebraic thinking, geometry, fractions, number system, and ratios with options for differentiation of skills. The story of the game adds motivation and an additional layer of learning. Students will be able to learn about real Roman artifacts that they save from the looters while exploring di erent locations in the ancient city of Pompeii." —App Store
Mythology Pictograms
"The name of a character, creature, or God from Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology is depicted by the images in each pictogram. Can you decipher them all?" —Sporcle
Day of Valor Game
"Day of Valor is a challenging platform adventure game set in Ancient Rome where you play the role of a valiant Roman Warrior competing for gold medals in a series of 20 epic platform levels involving jumping, trident throwing, sword-wielding, and more. The Romans greatly valued physical strength and ability, and would often hold epic sporting events for its strongest and bravest men. It was a showcase for their mighty army – and now you can be part of the action - virtually!" —Learn 4 Good