Targeting fat loss in specific areas of the body can be challenging and frustrating. Several treatments promise to shrink, freeze off, or even remove fat from your body altogether, but Innovative Lasers of Houston might be the fix you are looking for. They offer treatments with the Zerona laser that result in fat loss with no swelling, bruising, downtime, and no exposure to heat or cold. Zerona Laser treatments are FDA approved, and Dr. Oz even called the treatments a "fat-fighting miracle procedure."
According to Laura Alexis, CEO of Innovative Lasers of Houston, these FDA-approved lasers' application creates tiny microscopic tears in your fat cells, causing the fat to seep out. When the targeted fat cells collapse, their content is naturally released as waste from your body through urine and sweat, which results in fat loss.
One of the reasons that Zerona laser treatments have become so popular is that results are immediate. Alexis says that patients can expect to lose half a pound to one pound per visit on average and lose three to 11 inches every two weeks. "Using Zerona laser for fat loss is very similar to working out and losing weight the natural way," says Alexis. "Fat cells are not destroyed; they are just shrunk down. I am very passionate about this procedure because it is not destroying or taking away anything from the patient's body."
Innovative Lasers offers free consultations and will be offering over half off their regular prices through October.