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Girls Night In

The joy of entertaining women in your home

 Spending time with friends can fill a busy women's cup (or wine glass). Along with the tried-and-true book club meeting, birthday celebration, and bridal or baby shower, some unique get-together ideas will make your extraordinary women friends feel engaged, energized, and entertained in your home.

For the hostess, the first thing to consider is comfort. Nothing makes a group of women relax more than cozy seating full of pillows, soft music, fresh-cut flowers, and the glow of well-placed candles. For an added respite into relaxation, arrange blankets on the couches or outdoor seating for those nights when the air turns crisp. Sitting close to friends and sharing a throw, beverages, good food, and conversation is an excellent friendship-building recipe.

A masterful hostess will do her best to roam the party to refill beverages and create conversations between guests. Part of the joy of hosting people is watching the budding and deepening of friendships. Topics to think of ahead of time are:

  • Who grew up in the same part of the state, country, or world?
  • Do any of the guests enjoy the same hobbies?
  • What jobs or volunteering positions do the guests hold?
  • Have any of the ladies traveled to the same places?
  • Are there any unique talents in the group that might interest the other women?

Now that you’ve accomplished the essential ingredients of comfort and conversation, it’s time to get creative. Some great ideas for a new twist on the ladies' soiree are:

  1. Pizza Night: The hostess has personal-sized pizza dough, sauce, cheese, and ovens prepared, and each guest brings a bowl of their favorite topping to share. It might be fun to pair this with your favorite show-watch party.
  2. The Garden Party: Place a table near your garden (this can even be near your potted herbs on the patio). String lights above and place lanterns around the area. As guests arrive, let them cut flowers for the table and herbs (like mint or basil) for drinks. If you have a bumper crop, bag up tomatoes, mint, or whatever you have in surplus for your guests to take as they leave. 
  3. Spa Day: Order plush robes and spend the day getting pampered for a special occasion with a close group of friends. Many massage therapists, estheticians, and make-up artists will happily offer services at your home.
  4. Bring a New Friend: Make the friendship circle wider by including someone new to town or someone you think the other guests have yet to meet and would enjoy.  The newcomer will be most appreciative, and as Maya Angelou once said, “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face.”