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How the Iris Fund is Empowering Women

A Ridgefield Mom Takes Action By Securing Funding for Evidenced Based Scientific Research

Brittney Crystal's advocacy efforts are shedding light on why evidenced based research is so important.

The Iris Fund was founded in 2017 by Brittney, upon suffering the devastating loss of her daughter Iris after an emergency C-section at 28 weeks old. There were two fundamental things Brittney learned from her daughter's death; the stigma and isolation around this kind of loss is crippling, and the basics of how a woman's body works are yet to be understood. 

That is where Iris's legacy began. Through legislation and advocacy, The Iris Fund works to help families by funding sound scientific research. 

In the five years since Iris passed, an entire community rose up in support. Because of them, over $680,000 from friends in 35 states and 8 countries have been raised. Additionally, The Iris Fund passed the largest stillbirth tax credit in the country.

"The bottom line is we don't treat women and women's health the way we should," Brittney said. "The Iris Fund stands to correct this."

"The bottom line is we don't treat women and women's health the way we should. The Iris Fund stands to correct this."