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Giving Where The Need Is Greatest

95-year-old organization continues to support Georgia's children most in need.

“Love is a perfume you cannot pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Georgia-based non-profit, Circle for Children, has given aid and encouragement to disadvantaged children in Georgia since 1927. They are a 100% volunteer organization with a rich tradition of giving back to children in need and supporting future-changing activities for many youth-serving organizations. This year's beneficiary is the City of Refuge, where shelter residents and neighborhood children receive a wide range of holistic services. 

Belinda Vogel is the current president of this long-running charitable foundation and spoke with East Cobb City Lifestyle about the good work they have done for the last 95 years. 

ECL: What made you get involved with Circle For Children?

BV: I was invited to join The Circle for Children by a neighbor and friend Janie Kissling. Janie has a giving heart and I knew if she was involved in the organization, it was worth exploring. The Circle is now in its 95th year; it’s inspiring and humbling to be part of that legacy of giving. Our archives reside at The Atlanta History Museum. Not many volunteer groups can say that. 

Originally The Young Matrons Circle for Tallulah Falls School, The Circle evolved to focus on at-risk children across the state of Georgia. We raise money for vetted beneficiaries and our scholarships fund, as well as volunteer at the charity we support.

ECL: What are the most rewarding experiences you have had with the organization?

 BV: Recently I was part of the long-term planning committee that selects a beneficiary and is very difficult to choose. There are so many charities doing important work for GA children, and there is such great need, be it kids in foster care, dealing with mental health issues, or experiencing homelessness. One of the benefits of joining The Circle is knowing the organization has vetted the beneficiary; money donated and raised and hours volunteered are going to a worthy cause.

It is also inspiring to review the scholarship applications we receive. Again, selecting recipients is difficult, and often their life stories are heartbreaking, but they are all determined to shape their own lives and move beyond whatever challenges they have experienced. We currently support eight Circle Scholars through our Linda Gross Memorial Scholarship fund. Some grew up as wards of the state, and others experienced poverty or family breakdown. Many are the first in their family to attend college or trade school.

ECL: Why is an organization like this needed today?

 BV: We all know we live in a time of division and loneliness. We hear about the studies and statistics and experience them in our own lives.  Helping others is a remedy for our disconnection that benefits both the giver and the recipients. The Circle for Children provides a container for the giving; a way to share the work with others, create connections within and beyond our immediate community, and have fun while doing it.

Want to get involved?

Join the Circle For Children at their new member recruitment event on October 2, 2022. Also, they are hosting their annual golf tournament at Indian Hills Country Club on October 24 and the Bags and Bubbles Auction at Atlanta Country Club on November 9. For more information visit