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Got Your MoJo Workin’?

Build Confidence, Take Action-With This Team Behind You, the Advantage Is Yours

Article by Stephanie Meinberg

Photography by Alicia + Will Photography

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

What began as an idea to help stay-at-home moms return to the workforce has snowballed into a deeply structured program tailored toward anyone in transition. Focus, direction, self-awareness, confidence—these are but a few baseline results that come from working with MoJo Advantage. Celebrating two years in business this month, the one-of-a-kind firm is primed to bring its signature brand of answers and insight to an even larger roster of clients.

JoAnne Kennard and Molly Edmondson, MoJo’s masterminds, are thoroughly experienced in giving clients the advantage. What’s more, they’ve turned the process of figuring out “what’s next” on its head, having developed a methodology for helping anyone—student, graduate, retiree, stay-at-home parent—find it.

“For anyone unsure of what they want to do or how to go about even figuring it out, we offer something different,” Molly says. “We’re our own unique niche … geared toward helping people gain confidence, gain clarity and take action.”

Unlike the typical headhunter or recruiter, the MoJo duo is personally vested in each client’s journey. They facilitate a detailed discovery process with a plan to execute the changes their clients have been drawn to make. After the groundwork is laid—client homework included—they impart the most powerful piece of all—objectivity.

“A lot of clients have a strong sense of wanting to do something, they just need objective accountability. Or to understand the target in the first place,” JoAnne says. “We bring an outside perspective to help them take the next step with a purpose, with a goal in mind.”  

For every client, it starts with a DiSC assessment, a comprehensive profile that measures behavior and personality strengths. Professional career coaches with strong backgrounds in education and consulting, Molly and JoAnne are also DiSC certified, leveraging this in-depth report as the foundation of every direction that follows.

“DiSC and Myers-Briggs are often talked about in the same space,” JoAnne says. “But DiSC is so much more actionable.”

And action is the ultimate goal. The 60-page evaluation culminates in a concrete report card, revealing motivators, preferences, strengths. Environments clients excel in, environments they don’t. It’s a key piece that levels the playing field, often uncovering talents and goals many people have forgotten about or never realized they had in the first place. Painting a clear picture from which Molly and JoAnne then create a customized program.

“It’s more encompassing than most people realize,” Molly says. “The assessment, our process, it’s all to enable clients to articulate what their skills are, to find what they’re looking for. We’re committed to their success, whatever it looks like.”

Whether a career change, degree decision or other leap of faith, MoJo’s modular methodology takes clients step-by-step, with meetings and milestones, discovery and encouragement, through to their endgame. Emerging, in the end, with a full suite of deliverables and insights.

“You come out with a good picture of your ideal job, your ideal work environment,” JoAnne says. “But you also come out with goals. A solid list of skills. A resume and LinkedIn profile that reflect who you really are and what you want to do.”

“People today are less concerned about what they’re supposed to do and more focused on what they want to do … there are so many reasons to look for that,” JoAnne says.

“And when they find it, ultimately they’re more successful and happy,” Molly says.

With a satisfaction rate that’s only one shy of perfect after 40-plus clients, it’s safe to say MoJo has cornered the market on both.  

Carla Brant

+ First MoJo client

+ Promoted in five months

“I was at a crossroads … I considered myself a successful professional before staying home to raise my kids. It wasn’t like I needed help with the basics. But I was older, and it was a totally different ballgame.”

To feel more secure about going back to work, Carla turned to MoJo.

“To go through my DiSC assessment with someone who doesn’t know my work ethic, values or interests ... to have two people with very different perspectives looking at everything objectively then go the extra mile and explain what it all said about me, that was a huge asset.”

MoJo helped Carla establish a new career.

“For anyone looking to make a change. Anyone who wants to reevaluate—am I doing the right thing, am I maximizing my potential? JoAnne and Molly give 200 percent. It’s life-changing.”

“JoAnne and Molly give 200 percent. It’s life-changing.” 

Dani Reinert

+ College graduate

+ 180-degree shift in focus

“I turned to MoJo when I was fresh out of college and honestly unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. I was stuck.”

Dani, a lifelong sports star, thought her only skills were athletic ones. Molly and JoAnne showed her otherwise.

“They helped me discover who I was, what I had to offer. They pulled things out of me I never knew existed, helped me discover all the gifts I could bring to the table.”

MoJo led Dani to a job where she could fit in, be successful and grow.

“They don’t do things for you, they help you discover who you are.”

“They helped me set goals I’d never considered … I’ve crushed those and already had to set new ones. They helped me gain not just a career, but a life. I’m a completely different person because of them.”   

“They helped me gain not just a career, but a life. I’m a completely different person because of them.”

MoJo Advantage

9415 Montgomery Road, Suite C,

“People today are less concerned about what they’re supposed to do and more focused on what they want to do … there are so many reasons to look for that.”