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Growing Success

A Peek Inside Spring Hill Garden Center

Now in their fourth year of business, Spring Hill Garden Center, is a family owned and operated garden center providing unique, quality plants to the community. We caught up with owners Eric and Ryan Wunderlin to better understand the passion and longevity behind their work. 

What inspired you to open up this garden center? 

Eric: I always wanted to do it since I was in college. It was just something we all agreed on eventually. We all had done landscaping in the past so it felt like it was a natural transition from the labor to selling. 

In your opinion, what is the best aspect of your career?  

Ryan: I think it's getting to use your own creativity. The personal touch with things versus going to the commercial, bigger stores, that don't have creative touches. They’re all the same. Here we can do that. 

Eric: And I would say the same thing. We get to pick a lot of plants, it's almost like a zoo! So you can pick more exotic ones or find things that are more unusual. 

What advice would you give to someone inexperienced with gardening? 

Ryan: In Tennessee, mind the soil. Make sure where you plant is a well-drained area. We have challenges with the clay, but we have a lot of material that can help overcome that. 

Eric: I would say the same thing. There’s a learning curve to it but once you get the hang of it, it's all uphill and very enjoyable. It's a very worthwhile hobby. 

How do you ensure the quality and health of the plants you sell? 

Eric: Last winter, we put in a $12,000 irrigation system, not including the labor portion of it. So between that and just constantly seven days a week checking on things, that's pretty much it. 

Can you share any memorable experiences you've had with customers? 

Ryan: Well, the first year or so to help get the business off the ground, we used to do landscaping, so there were a lot of customers that we got to go to their house and see where things were getting planted. Then if we’re driving by there, we’ll see a tree and we’ll see it doing well, so we’re proud of that. And the referrals. A lot of people will come in and they’ll bring their kids in and we’ll get to landscape their house and their friends and people on their streets. That's always kind of exciting. 
