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Harold Landry

Titan, husband, father, neighbor

If you’re a Tennessee Titans football fan, you’ve cheered for this man. If you’re a sports fan, you’ve definitely heard his name. And if you live in Mount Juliet, there’s a chance you’ve bumped into him around town.

His name is Harold Landry. And Landry is the 6’2”, 252lb, 25-year-old outside linebacker who might just help the Titans win their first-ever Super Bowl. The Titans certainly think so because, on March 8, 2022, they inked a five-year contract extension with Landry totaling $87.5 million. In addition to being one of the most promising football players in the NFL, Landry is also an all-around good guy.

While you can easily Google his football stats, we'd like to take a different direction and introduce you to the father, husband, and neighbor Harold. 

As a dedicated husband and father, how do you spend quality time with your family while juggling the grueling practice, game, and travel schedule?

 It’s really tough to spend actual quality time with my family during the season. I have to make every little moment count, even if it’s just relying on FaceTime calls throughout the day when I’m not busy. I would say dinner time is the only consistent moment Danielle, the kids, and I have together throughout the week, so I try and take advantage of that time.

Tennesseans are thrilled to have you back with the Titans as a key part of their pass rush. When you found out you were coming back to Tennessee, what factors helped you decide to settle in Mt. Juliet?

When I got drafted here four years ago, we realized Mount Juliet had everything we wanted. We found a welcoming and friendly community that our oldest son loved. It was away from Nashville but still a decent driving distance, and we felt our money would go further for us in Mount Juliet than in other cities. This past offseason, my family spent some time on a lake in North Carolina, and we realized we would love living on a lake. So this past season, we bought our new house on Old Hickory Lake in Mount Juliet. And once again, we found a great family community where we’re looking forward to raising our family.

You’ve been quoted saying that you want to be with the Titans because of the great culture. As a husband and father, what are some of the ways you set the tone and influence the culture in your home?

Culture at our house is about being grateful for everything we have. We are extremely blessed, and I thank God every day for the life I get to live. Danielle and I try to teach our kids to be thankful for everything. We also try to live through God and our faith. Don’t get me wrong. We are far from perfect. But I’d like to think we live by the values and lifestyle God would want for us. Last, I believe it is important for my kids to know that hard work works. If they develop mental toughness, discipline, and work ethic, they can be whatever they want. No dream is too big.

In addition to being a leader on the football field, you’re a man of God, an adoring husband, and a loving father. What advice would you give husbands and fathers about leading their families?

I would tell husbands and fathers leading their families that you’re not perfect. No man is. But you should actively and consciously try to be the example of what you preach. If you preach hard work, make sure your family sees you working hard. If you preach respect, make sure you’re always respectful. Kids are sponges; they absorb everything. You also want your wife to admire and respect the man you are, so it’s important you’re trying your hardest to do the right things.

Who was your greatest role model growing up, and who is your greatest role model now?

My greatest role model growing up was my dad. He was a man of faith and a man I never saw complain about life even though he didn’t have much. To this day, I try to make dad proud. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad. My role model today is probably God because I try to live through his eyes.

 What are a few ways that playing professional football has made you a better man off the field?

Football has taught me so many life lessons. Without football, my life would be completely different. Football has taught me I’m not entitled to anything in this world. If you want something, you have to go out and earn it. It’s taught me life isn’t fair as soon as you understand that you’re a step closer to success. It’s taught me sometimes you have to make sacrifices to help friends. It’s taught me no matter how different a person’s background might be; it’s still possible to become best friends. It taught me that you have to have unbreakable self-confidence to be successful. Not everyone will believe in you, and sometimes no one will. It’s important to believe in yourself no matter what.

Grab your favorite Titans jersey and watch him dominate this football season! You can also check out Landry's wife's custom-made Titans Attire at for some one-of-a-kind pieces. 

"We are extremely blessed, and I thank God every day for the life I get to live."

"Don’t get me wrong. We are far from perfect. But I’d like to think we live by the values and lifestyle God would want for us."