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Healing Begins At Home

Sanctuary Space

With us being home more now than ever before. Creating a healing sanctuary at home is the perfect way to keep your self-care routine running smooth between appointments with your care providers. Before you leave the house you can set your nervous system up to have the best day by:

  1. Creating a space in your home for sanctuary. Find a room or space in your house that brings you joy. Set yourself up for success by decluttering that area, light a candle, have a cozy cushion to sit on. Sit and enjoy yourself for a few mins. Notice the sensations coming up in your body. Taking deep breaths , or box breaths breathing in for 5 holding for 5, exhale for 5, hold for 5  and repeat until you feel a sense of calmness. There are also great meditation apps (insight timer) and musical frequency stations (brain FM) to help calm and regulate the nervous system, if you show up to a massage already in rest and digest mode you will feel the benefits for long after your session. 

  2. Journaling. Taking a few mins to write about how you feel in your body will give you the best idea of what it needs most to feel nourished today. Tuning in and asking yourself how can I create the best day for my body? Where do I need to be touched today to feel more freedom or ease? Getting in touch with this will help you communicate to your practitioner the exact places and ways you need to feel the most connected and free in your body, and that is Empowering. 

  3. Move! Movement creates flow and breath which is undoubtedly life force energy. The more breath moves through our body the more alive and mobile it will be. 

  4. Positive self talk, ok so now we are really getting cheesy I know, but have you ever just looked at yourself in the eyes in a mirror and really said some incredible nice things to yourself? If you haven’t I highly recommend it. Especially saying “I love you” to yourself will change your everyday life. Sending yourself a message of Love is a great way to hold space for yourself and it's like putting on the oxygen mask first on the airplane, you have to help yourself first before you can help others.

  5. Eat Light, nourishing foods before your self care. Eating some fruits, veggies, nuts, soups, broths, tea will help you to feel satiated during your session , but not overfull to keep you from fully enjoying your bodywork. 

  6. Hydrate! Back in my restaurant days we would always yell at one another to “hydrate or die!” Like breath, water is also a life force energy. Take a few moments to drink a glass or two of refreshing Colorado water to lubricate your connective tissue, so important in this Dry climate we have here. 

  7. Take a break from the devices. This one is getting harder and harder to do these days, but to really get into rest and digest mode it is so important to take a break from the notifications and screen times, because it activates our nervous system into fight and flight mode which starts to disconnect us from our body and then we are stuck in our heads, not to mention they are so hard on your neck, hands, and eyes. 

During your self care sessions, If you are working with a practitioner or bodyworker, to get the most from your experience, communication is key. Although many of us are intuitive, we are not mind readers, communicating if there is a need for more or less depth, the location you need the most work in, and the sensations you are feeling. Take a moment and express gratitude for your body and all that it does for you. 

About the author: Amelia Mouton is a Certified Rolfer, Integrative Wellness Coach, Personal Chef, and born and raised in lovely Fort Collins. Her favorite Colorado activity is hiking and taking in the incredible views.