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Maintaining a Healthy Home

Celebrate National Radon Action Month with All Ohio Radon Services

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has designated January as National Radon Action Month. During this time, the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General urge everyone to protect their health by testing the indoor air in their homes and schools for radon. 

What is radon, you ask? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it's a radioactive gas that forms when radioactive metals break down in rocks, soil and groundwater. We can be exposed to radon when breathing it in as it comes through cracks and gaps in buildings and homes. Because radon is naturally occurring, we are always exposed to it in small amounts. But it's when you're exposed to high amounts of radon that potential health problems can arise. 

According to the CDC, "When you breathe in radon, radioactive particles from radon gas can get trapped in your lungs. Over time, these radioactive particles increase the risk of lung cancer." Furthermore, the EPA and the Surgeon General’s office estimate radon is responsible for more than 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the U.S.

To mitigate exposure to radon, testing is essential. That's where our friends at All Ohio Radon Services come in. As a locally-owned and operated company, All Ohio Radon is a small, experienced team of radon mitigation experts. While they specialize in residential radon gas mitigation system installations, they have the tools and knowledge to help point homeowners in the correct direction when looking to personally test their home for radon or have someone do it for them. 

"Around half of the homes in Ohio test high for radon," says Wayne Porter, All Ohio Radon co-owner and licensed radon mitigation specialist. "It is imperative to have your property tested, and we can help you do it yourself or can point you to someone who can. If that test comes back high, we'll come in and install a radon mitigation system."

Wayne also explains that although radon mitigation systems sound a bit frightening, they're actually very cost-effective and efficient, and they don't pose a significant change to your home. In fact, he reports that it is relatively common for an Ohio home to have a radon mitigation system. 

 "We have been a full-service radon mitigation system installer since 2005, so my team and I have done a lot of installations," says Wayne. "What really sets us apart from other contractors is that radon mitigation is our sole purpose and specialty – we don't offer any other services so we are able to dedicate all of our time to this. Moreover, we have a team of three fully-licensed contractors and we don't hire subcontractors. We feel that our quality, experience and focus make us a leading company in the area." 

For more information about All Ohio Radon Services or for a free estimate, visit or call 330.289.9924.