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Mission 22 Fights To Prevent Suicide Amongst Veterans

Give Back This Holiday Season By Supporting Veteran Organizations

Article by Lake Murray Lifestyle Staff

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Lake Murray Lifestyle

As many of us share our holidays and tables with our loved ones, many former military veterans do not have the same happy times with family.

Without clear purposes, thousands of veterans face many overwhelming mental challenges transitioning out of intense combat environments into society's typical communities. Every day, more than 20 of those American veterans are lost to suicide. 

Supporters of one nonprofit, Mission 22, wants that number to be zero.

Veteran Jonathan Clarke of Chapin says he found the strength within Mission 22 programs to fight his post-war demons.

"When you take away a soldier's purpose, camaraderie and support system, and replace all that with only anxiety pills, it's dangerous. Those important elements are all soldiers know work-wise," he explains. 

Jonathan served in the military from 1994-2016, with three combat tours in Iraq. When he received a medical discharge due to his combat injuries, he sought assistance at a Veterans Administration hospital. But he says he needed more than to be given medicine and sent home. 

"For starters, I needed a reason to get out of bed each day," he recalls. 

He says inconsistencies with operators in VA Suicide Hotlines can lead to lack of true understanding or assistance, right when veterans need it most. When Jonathan learned about Mission 22, he realized he wasn't alone in fighting his mental demons. He also believed that VA hotlines were not enough to combat suicide among vets.

Today, he promotes Mission 22 to the point that he includes contact information about the organization on the back of his personal rental company's business cards, so it prompts conversations.

"If more civilians realize what veterans are going through and what they need, they will better know what to look out for regarding veterans that need assistance with suicidal thoughts," he says. 

Serving warriors and their families since 2013, Mission 22 ambassadors are dedicated to healing America’s veterans by providing treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury, substance abuse and all of the issues veterans are facing today.

Mission 22 assists veterans through three main programs:  veteran treatment programs, memorials and national awareness. The group serves combat veterans, those injured in training who therefore could not deploy and victims of military sexual trauma. The group's ambassador volunteers educate the public on veteran issues, help get veterans into Mission 22 treatment programs and create resources in their communities.

You can help support Mission 22 this holiday season with direct donations, which are one of the most effective ways to help the mission. When you donate, 85% of all donations go directly to Mission 22 Programs

Donate online at or text the word “give” or “donate” to (615) 645-2451.

To reach Jonathan, call 503.908.8505 and ask for him by name.