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Helping Others Embodies Community Spirit

“Adding spirit to our community, while adding character to our life.”

The definition of team is clearly a group of people working together to help improve the community where they live. I love working with all the nonprofit groups and the community members who give endless hours to support or volunteer.

Think for a moment about someone in your circle who brings everyone together. Maybe you just wonder what makes them so likeable. They have this energy within them that touches everything they get involved in. Somehow, they find time to help others, regardless of all the stuff they already do.

There is a saying that if you want something done, give it to the busiest person you know—perhaps their unfailing ability to complete yet another task is because they are so organized. When was the last time you raised your hand to get involved or had a burning desire to make a difference?

What causes are you passionate about getting involved with and making a difference? It could be helping at your children’s school, your Homeowner’s Association or any of the many nonprofits. Wherever and however you can lend a hand, please do. Remember, many hands make little work!