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Home-Cooked Connection

Pasta One Two Three Brings Families to the Dinner Table

My grandma always used food to bring our family together. Whether it was Christmas dinner or an ordinary Tuesday, she served up a delicious and thoughtful spread that pulled us all from our own worlds into one.

As everyone gathered around the table, filling our plates and conversing about our day,  “Manga!” grandma would insist. Eat! 

Living with my grandma brought me a lot of wisdom; however, it was the idea of togetherness in the home that really stuck with me. The love in the meal spilled into our home and seemed to make all of life’s worries disappear, just for a moment. 

The heart of our home was at that kitchen table, and it prompted me to go to culinary school. I’ve now opened a business inspired entirely by her—down to the recipes we use. I clearly remember measuring all of my grandma’s pinches and handfuls so I could continue her legacy, and now here I am, doing just that. 

Looking back at my journey, I now see that it was the love between my grandma and me that really drew me to cooking. We shared so many laughs while I learned the secret to delicious fall-apart meatballs, and we had serious, thoughtful talks while endlessly kneading dough for raviolis. 

Whenever someone asks me to choose my favorite dish to cook, I always answer: whatever the person I am cooking for likes. That is because food is just a tool for me to provide joy to others, just like my grandma provided when we were growing up. 

We all need connection, especially in our homes. Despite social media’s attempt to bring people together, it has actually pulled us away from that face-to-face interaction we truly crave. Becoming a wife (to Alexander) and parent (to Mila) has reminded me of the importance of those moments of togetherness. 

Despite many of us seeking this connection in our home, it seems like there are not enough hours in the day. Sometimes a trip to the local fast food spot is all we have time for, and although a meal shared is a meal shared, the quality of food definitely impacts that experience. 

I created Pasta One Two Three as a way to provide quality, nutritious meals for those looking to carry on the tradition of eating and sharing together. We use whole wheat, Italian flour and local organic ingredients, and we leave out those nasty seed oils. 

When you have a meal from Pasta One Two Three, the love that my grandma passed on to me, through the gift of food, is passed on to those who share it. Our meals are quick and easy for anyone to make, leaving more energy to spend time with your loved ones. I am beyond grateful that I get to be a part of so many people’s special moments at so many beautiful kitchen tables. | @pastaonetwothree

"Our meals are quick and easy for anyone to make, leaving more energy to spend time with your loved ones."