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Service League of Cherokee County

Illumination of the impactful dedication of Service League of Cherokee

Article by Kaylene Ghorley Dabbs

Photography by Service League of Cherokee County

Originally published in Canton City Lifestyle

When was the Service League founded, and for what purpose?

The Service League of Cherokee County was first founded in 1935, at a time when the community was feeling several emotions. Most were financially burdened from the Great Depression and feared war was just across the horizon. Out of the depressive abyss, nine women founded the Service League to deliver milk to numerous needy children within the Canton community. 

What is the main objective of the Service League?

Today, the same impactful women of our community band together to serve those children in need through diverse programs. When a need arises, the Service League can meet those needs immediately due to the league's wonderful relationship with CCSD counselors, and CCSD and League case workers vet each child served by the generous donations raised yearly. 

What are some additional attributions about the Service League?

The Service League incorporates just as many working Moms today as stay-at-home Moms. Marcey Stein, current league president, works full-time at Revolution Church. Stein joyfully noted, “I love the willingness of the woman to donate 50 hours of their time to serve our wonderful community for ten years.”

How can YOU get involved? 

The biggest fundraiser for the Service League is the annual Riverfest Arts & Crafts Festival. Anyone can volunteer to help with the event; for more information, visit ServiceLeague.Net. Join the fun by helping kids in need. 

Upcoming Events:

June 14th Golfing Fore! The Children's Golf Tournament 

September 28th-29th Annual Riverfest Arts & Crafts Festival