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Homelife Senior Turns 100!

Friends, family and fellow residents at Homelife Senior Living in Thousand Oaks gathered to celebrate the 100th birthday of Della Spector. Born May 6, 1924, Della grew up in Los Angeles’ Boyle Heights neighborhood before moving to the San Fernando Valley.

She raised three children—Wendy, Mark and Suzanne—and is beloved by her six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Here, Della shares a few nuggets for living your best life that she’s picked up during her 100+ years of living.

Q. Do you have a favorite memory?

A. Meeting Len (her husband!). She was 16, and he was 19; they met at a neighborhood dance and loved dancing their entire 73 years together.

Q. What is an important life lesson you’ve learned?


Q. What advice do you have for young people?

A. Have goals.

Q. What is your secret for living a long life?

A. Wake up happy and be grateful. Also exercise and eat well.

Della is a resident at Homelife Senior Living, where their philosophy revolves around providing comprehensive support, understanding that aging is a multifaceted journey influenced by physical, emotional and social factors. Their wellness initiatives, from gentle movement to life enrichment activities and nutritious meals, nurture residents and cater to their needs and interests. 

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