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Naomi Williams

Featured Article

Hometown Heroes

In honor of Mother's Day, we are highlighting four super moms

For Mother’s Day this year, we wanted to do something special for the moms in our community. Instead of our Hometown Heroes, we asked members of the community to nominate a mom that has gone above and beyond for their children. So many great nominations were sent to us and after reading the amazing stories, we chose four moms to be pampered and celebrated. We sent these moms to Primp and Blow where they were treated with hair and makeup services. They were also given gifts from other local businesses such as The Red Berry Co., Nothing Bundt Cake, Belair Donuts, Top Golf, and TBonz Steakhouse. 

Naomi Williams

Mother to one

What advice do you have for new moms?

Remember that your first name isn’t mom! Meaning, don’t lose yourself while fulfilling your role as a mother. 

Do you have a favorite gift or craft you’ve received from your son?

Handmade cards and paintings made by my son are my favorite gifts. He requires help with everyday tasks, so it meant his caregiver(s) were intentional in being and working with him.

What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

Experiencing pure, unadulterated, unconditional love, creating adventures while expecting the unexpected, and learning how to do the hard things while finding joy through the journey.


Michelle Tordoff

Homeschool mother to eight

Have you noticed any similarities you share with your kids?

They all seem to be adventurous, love to learn, and are active. 

What advice do you have for new moms?

Relax and love all the time you have with your people. Enjoy every moment because before you know it, those hard and wonderful days are all behind you. The days may be long, but the years go oh so quickly.

Tell me when you are proud of your kids.

I’m proud when they finish home school and they find jobs to support their families. But I’m more proud that they are generous, great to each other, good friends to other people, and show love and kindness to many.


Anna Ramsey

Mother to three year old Brody, Kindergarten Teacher

Do you have a favorite gift or craft you’ve received from your son?

Christmas ornaments are my favorite! This year we got one from our church of Brody looking like an angel. It was the sweetest! I also have a handprint calendar this year that was super cute and special!

Tell me a fun memory about a favorite activity you did with your son.

We love to do all sorts of things with friends, especially in the summer when I’m off. The library, park, splash pads, and storytimes are some of our favorites. I love making sensory bins with colored rice and fun things based on whatever season or holiday it is. 

Have you noticed any similarities you share with your son?

We share a love of music and baseball. You can always find Brody singing or dancing and I’m always singing too.

Kelley Pope

Adoptive and biological mother to five

What made you decide to adopt?

In high school and college I went on several international church mission trips. As I worked at an orphanage in China, I knew the Lord was calling me to adopt one day. Years later after having three biological children, we finally found our Kendyl.

Do you have a favorite gift or craft you’ve received from your kids?

I’ll never forget when my oldest son made a chef hat for me for the ‘Muffins with Moms’ event at the preschool. He was so proud of it as he placed special photos of us along with things he loved, like a toy car and airplane. I wore it with pride!

What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

It’s the honor of a lifetime to leave a legacy with the next generation. I truly believe our kids - and their grandkids - will be the generation that changes the world for the better. Seeing our kids grow into next generation leaders is the most rewarding thing!