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Serving The Community with Honor and Integrity

The American Legion of Windsor Leads by Example

Article by Desiree Gustafson

Photography by John Robson Photography

Originally published in Windsor City Lifestyle

Since its establishment in 1919 the American Legion is not only a safe space for comradery and support, but it has also been our veteran’s biggest voice for change in Washington DC. Every post or association is focused on a mission within its walls, a mission to support, to provide compassion and empathy, to educate and honor, and to help their communities thrive. 

The Windsor American Legion is a unique post, in that it is open and welcoming of the public inside its walls. Led by commander Brad Irion (can i know your rank?)Jim Lelievre (can I know your rank), and its incredible board members, are focused on giving back and welcoming in their community in an effort to make their mission something bigger than themselves and show up for all of those in need of assistance. “I think the perception is that it is only for veterans but our post is special because you do not have to be a veteran to be within the walls of this place and what I would like the community to know is that we are here for them as well, that is our mission is to provide assistance to veterans but to also give back into the community whatever the need is of our community we would like the opportunity to show how we can be part of that. I don’t think a lot of people know our mission, but as we grow the American Legion’s presence here in town, our goal is to give back and keep that mission going” shares (title) Jim Lelievre.

Both Jim and Brad are involved within the community on multiple levels; having served on school boards and heading projects that are aimed at education, patriotism, giving back, and being of service, they believe in lifting up those around them by leading through example. Taking their experience, discipline, and wisdom from their time in the service and in life, they apply their skills to their post’s mission of helping others. When approached about re-folding a flag for a veteran’s family that didn’t fit into a carrier box, they did not take the call lightly. It is a great honor to be asked to perform this ceremony and they made sure to uphold the respect of that request. 

The folding of the flag ceremony carries with it a great history and a deeper essence, one that the public may not be fully aware of. There is a background for what every fold represents, giving each layer of that folded flag a purpose and deeper meaning. After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms that we are granted today because of their sacrifices. The end result presents the stars as utmost, reminding us of our national motto “In God we Trust”. At the end of the ceremony, the American Legion plays Taps, which is played on base signaling the end of the day; but during this particular ceremony, it is played alone to honor the service members who have paid the ultimate price. For the families and individuals on the receiving end of that flag, it is an emotional experience; one full of gratitude, grief, love, and respect.

The American Legion of Windsor offers its community a great gift in not only performing this ceremony but in welcoming its citizens with open arms. Patriotism, honor, and integrity are alive and well in the town of Windsor Colorado and their veterans can feel that spirit. This post encourages you to stop in, spend time getting to know your local veterans and connecting with your story and your history. They hope to continue giving and being a part of something bigger than themselves and seeing that ripple strengthen the heartbeat of community in our society.