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How to Groom Your Own Dog


Article by Hayley Hyer

Photography by Stock Images

Sometimes the groomer isn't available, and you have to take care of your pup's coat, nails and ears yourself. It can be daunting at first — especially if you have a dog who acts like you brushing them is the ultimate betrayal! These tips will help you go into it with confidence and come out of it with a gorgeously groomed doggo.

How to Groom Your Dog at Home

"Grooming your dog at home is quite simple, yet it is necessary that you have some basic knowledge of the different grooming practices. This will assist you in achieving a good result, as well as keep your dog safe and comfortable while it's being groomed."

—Love of a Pet

How to Remove Hair from Dog Paws

"The fur on your dog's paws tend to collect debris, and is likely to get matted. Mats pull the fur tight, causing pressure on the dog's skin that results in pain. Also, if a dog has anything built up in that long paw hair, they will have to step on it every time they walk."

—Patch Puppy

How to Clean Your Dog's Ears

"There are a lot things to do as a new dog parent to start your puppy or dog off on the right paw. The one area that you should start working on today is learning how to clean your dog’s ears. It will take some time for you and your puppy or dog to get use to it, but starting the process is important even if it means just touching or looking in your dog’s ears."

—Well Mannered Pups

Tips for Shaving Your Dog at Home

"Generally, if you have a dog that sheds like mad you won’t have to worry about shaving your dog. Chika and Skippy both shed and do not require shaving, they require brushing on a regular basis. Bernie on the other hand has hair, and it keeps growing and growing. If I let it go, it will get really long and he starts looking like an old man. On top of poor looks, he gets incredibly hot in the summer months."

—The Dibble Kids

Follow Hayley Hyer @hayhyer