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Photographer Clyde Butcher

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Iconic Florida Photography

“Clyde Butcher: Nature Through the Lens” at Historic Spanish Point is an Area Treasure!

Just like the synergy that led to the union of Marie Selby Gardens and Historic Spanish Point three years ago, the exhibition “Clyde Butcher: Nature Through the Lens" enhances the connection between the famed photographer’s iconic Floridian images and the natural landscape of Spanish Point. 

The exhibition, presented in collaboration with the Clyde Butcher Gallery & Studio in Venice, runs through Aug. 31, 2024. In it, Butcher’s images are reproduced onto large-scale aluminum structures and strategically curated throughout the 30-acre waterfront preserve. 

“Nature Through the Lens” allows the visitor to interact with Butcher's art in harmony with the surrounding natural landscape. It juxtaposes the art’s content and the nature it is set within, spurring a dialogue between Butcher's lens and the vibrant ecosystems that inspired his work. 

The collaboration with the Clyde Butcher Gallery adds another layer of depth to the exhibition, emphasizing the significance of preserving Florida's natural wonders. Jennifer Rominiecki, president and CEO of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, has expressed admiration for Butcher's ability to evoke awareness, appreciation, and activism for Florida's treasures. 

“Nature Through the Lens” is a vibrant illustration of Rominiecki’s vision for Marie Selby Gardens as a “living museum." It is especially meaningful in this, the organization’s 50th Anniversary year. 

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