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Ignite Your Summer

2 Easy Fires For Your Backyard Fire Pit

Article by Phillip Barone

Photography by Phillip Barone

Originally published in Wayne Lifestyle

We all have that friend.  The one whose house you go to and everyone hangs out by the backyard fire pit with a near-perfect fire running all night.  Drinks, food, stories, and laughter ensue the entire time.  "Let's do this at my house next weekend." you tell everyone.  After all, you built the fire pit already.  The issue left is that unless you are an experienced fire maker or an Eagle Scout, your fire may not start as easy or burn as well as your friends did.  So we are here to show you two of the easiest fires to build in your backyard fire pit.  These will light easily and burn bright.  Maybe it's time to make someone jealous of your fire.

Tepee Fire

Possibly the easiest fire to make. 

  1. Place a big, loose handful of tinder or crumpled newspaper where you want to have your fire.
  2. Mound plenty of small kindling over the tinder.
  3. Arrange small, then medium, then large-sized sticks around the kindling as if they were the poles of a tepee.
  4. Leave an opening in the “tepee” on the side facing the wind to ensure air reaches the tinder.
  5. Light under the tinder. 

Log Cabin Fire

Probably the most useful as it works well in high wind and rain. 

  1. Place a big, loose handful of tinder or crumpled newspaper where you want to have your fire.
  2. Mound plenty of small kindling over the tinder.
  3. Put 2 large sticks on either side of your pile
  4. Add 2 slightly thinner sticks on top of those but facing the opposite way.
  5. Keep going up and, as you go, move the sticks slightly in towards the center of each layer
  6. Finish with a layer of small branches at the top
  7. Light under the tinder. 

Your last step for either style is to invite those Wayne Lifestyle people to your next fire pit hangout