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Jessica Benedict

Featured Article

Women Of Impact

How Northern Colorado's Ladies Create, Influence and Affect Change for our community

Andrea Tuell, Broker Associate | Partner at The Group, Inc. Real Estate

What inspires you?

Well, this is such a tough question because I am surrounded by so many incredible people that inspire me all the time. I am blessed with an unbelievable family. They motivate me to be my best self and continue to work hard. I have very supportive friends that also accomplish incredible things in their businesses, being the best moms and loving friends. All of these humans inspire me daily to be my best and show up for those that love me!

How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

I believe that we can all help each other and make our community a better place. It is truly about just caring and taking the time to listen. By asking about needs or gaps in certain programs and being able to find solutions to fill them, our connections, conversations we choose to have, and with a giving heart we all have the power and can leverage off of each other to make our community better!

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them?

I believe actions always speak louder than words so if I was ever met with skepticism I just proved through my actions I am who I say that I am and I will do great things because I know that I can. What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles? Believe in yourself, know your value, and you can do anything you want to do with hard work, persistence, affirmations, and consistency.

Kimberly Oneil, LoCo Think Tank Facilitator

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to reach positions of power and influence in their chosen fields? 

I think the most important thing for women or anyone is to build a network of supportive team members and be a supportive team member. There is an important but sometimes quiet circle of mentorship happening out there, be a part of it and share with others. Nobody achieves positions of power in a vacuum.  it is all about building trust, respect, and relationships. Those relationships can help propel you to positions you desire, they can help pick you up when you hit a wall, and if you've helped someone climb their ladder they can help show the path around some of those challenges they've already encountered. I've had some great mentors in my life in college and in my various jobs and I hope I've been able to share that with others too.

Jenn Hand, Coach & Author

How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

My mission involves changing how women see their bodies and their relationship to food, so I've used my voice to help combat body hate, toxic diet culture, and all the "what our body should look like" ideals that society piles on us.

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them? What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles?

One of the big challenges I've had to overcome is the innate female desire to be a people-pleaser. Women are often giving by nature, and I've had to work to let go of wanting to "give" everything to everyone. I've worked to create boundaries in my schedule and work, let go of needing to "please" everyone, and stay firm in my "no's" as a leader when it feels easier to just say "yes".

Lori Redmond, Box Drop

What inspires you?

Opportunities to help people in our community, my daughters inspire me to be a better person and to be an Entrepreneur.

How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

We help provide better sleep for people in need in our community by providing free or low-cost beds. Loveland Housing Authority, Veterans programs, Women’s Shelters and sober living homes, and Churches

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them? What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles?

People who tell you, you can’t. Keep setting goals and move forward, expect setbacks but don’t give up. Lead people with praise and positivity.

Amanda D. Mahoney- Four Seasons Veterinary

What inspires you?

Communication inspires me.  I feel that there is little that can’t be done when we effectively communicate, especially when we communicate from a foundation built on compassion. I think often the idea of compassion is misunderstood as having to take place only when we are in agreement with, condone, approve of, or even love the experience that is occurring. I believe that communication gets inhibited because of this. When we look towards communication with a compassionate mindset, recognizing that we all come from the same space of wanting to be happy and without angst or anger or fear, we are more able and available to effectively communicate and resolve, sort out, or interact in a way that feels not only more authentic but also more productive.  I find this to be inspiring because it brings with it a sense of community, connection and understanding. 

How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

I thought this question was funny because I asked myself “You have power and influence?!” All joking aside, this question did help me reflect on how my role as a leader may or may not have positively impacted change within my community. I think where I’ve landed is having the opportunity to teach community members about wellness and self-care- in the past through my private practice as a psychotherapist, currently as a senior educator of Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) through the Compassion Institute, or in my role as the Leader of Wellness and Culture at Four Seasons Veterinary Specialists- I’ve realized when people are willing to listen to resolve discomfort or distress or uncertainty in their life, it’s very important that we say things that are worth hearing. I’ve been very fortunate to have access to many different types of education and education processes. Through these opportunities, I hope I am influencing effective positive change in my community by learning and then taking that knowledge to share ideas worth listening to.

Jessica Benedict, RN Allura Skin Laser & Wellness Clinic 

 How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

 “On a personal level, day-to-day, I feel like I’m impacting the lives of every person I treat because I’m truly coming from a place of serving that person.  I’ve treated a lot of people who come in to get treatment after they’ve had some kind of tragedy, and I always say it helps to feel better on the outside until the inside catches up.  On a bigger scale, Allura has been pretty huge in impacting our community which I feel is the responsibility of businesses.  Once you’ve gained success, it’s almost like an unspoken obligation to give back to your community that’s helped support you and your business.  We really like to do as much as we can to make an impact on our communities and give back.”

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to reach positions of power and influence in their chosen fields?

“I think the biggest thing is having a mentor of some sort, having a person to look up to and aspire to become like, in your own unique way.  A woman that’s already been there and done that, look to her as an example.  Work hard, or work smart?  I believe you have to do both.  If somebody has already figured out a path to success in the field you’re trying to succeed in, learn from their mistakes and failures and successes and then plug that into your own journey.”

Gloria Campbell, Featured Governor’s Art Show Artist

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them?  What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles?

Get your foot in the door.  Keep your head down, work hard, do as best as you can.  Pay attention to what’s going on so that when you do speak up, and don’t be afraid to speak up, people are going to listen.  Play to your strengths and don’t be afraid if there’s something you don’t know how to do, get help with it.” 

What strategies have you used to overcome barriers and challenges throughout your career and how have they shaped your leadership style?

“I never asked anybody to do anything that I’m not willing to do.  I think sometimes people would mistake my easygoing nature as a weakness.  And they always regret it.  Don’t confuse the fact that I’m easy to get along with someone who’s going to put up with you not doing your job.”

How do you balance your personal and professional responsibilities and what practices or habits have helped you maintain your focus and drive over time?

“If anybody says it’s easy, they’re lying.  I was a single mom for most of my professional career, and it’s hard to balance.  Ultimately, you’ve got to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and the family and then work as hard as you can.  Take care of the people you love, you can always get another job, you can’t get another husband or daughter.  It’s hard, but recognize it’s hard and do the best you can, and don’t beat yourself up.”

Erin Brandt, Brandt Realty

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them?  What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles?

“As a female, I’ve faced the challenge of not being seen as a source of knowledge in my field, compared to my male counterparts.  When facing this challenge, I had to come more prepared to show the facts, regarding investing, sources of information, and mathematical data showing an investment is worth investing in.”

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to reach positions of power and influence in their chosen fields?

 “Be dedicated and of a strong mind.  When you feel defeated, keep pressing and never give up.”

What would you tell your younger self, the one who perhaps was nervous about taking the leap into following your dreams?

“Don’t wait, and take the leap now.  It will all turn out as it should.”

Amelia Mouton, Personal Chef

What obstacles have you faced as a female leader, and how have you overcome them? What advice would you give to other women who aspire to leadership roles?

Being a female leader in a male-dominated industry can be challenging and fun! And just navigating their narrative while staying true to mine. I always lead with love, sometimes that’s tough love, but unnecessary anger only perpetuates issues instead of solving them. I think some men I’ve led in the past would be upset that I wasn’t yelling at them or coming from a place of anger. But ultimately how I lead is my responsibility, how you react is yours. To other women, be yourself! Ask for help and guidance by people who inspire you, and trust that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be! 

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to reach positions of power and influence in their chosen fields?

For women reaching for the top of their careers my advice is to remember your power and your ability to do so! You’ve got this! We need more women at the top in important conversations and decisions! Find a good buddy who lifts you up or write affirmations in your phone and watch the magic happen! 

Jenn Rohrick, Peak Performance Chiropractic

What inspires you?

I'm inspired by all the mentors, friends, and colleagues who have shaped me to steadfastly believe that I have the power to help change future generations for the better - one family at a time - and create a ripple effect on the health of the human race.  My hope is that I've been able to be an inspiration and role model to other moms, families, and my patients to take an intentional role in and take control of their own health and their family's health

What advice would you give to other women who aspire to reach positions of power and influence in their chosen fields?

I believe women have a unique ability to let love and passion into their business world, perhaps a little easier than men can, though I may be speaking in generalities. But my advice is to be true to your heart, listen to your gut, and embody the fact that what may make you different in how you run your business just may be the thing that makes you the best fit to lead. Unlearn anything that taught you that you can't reach a position of power ... because it's untrue. 


Selinna Ellsworth, Gem Salon & Boutique

What inspires you?

Growth inspires me. Either through self-discovery or my passion as an entrepreneur and Lash Artist. I don’t want to be complacent or let my work plateau. I want to continue to pull myself out of my comfort zones and challenge myself for growth.

What strategies have you used to overcome barriers and challenges throughout your career, and how have they shaped your leadership style?

Something I learned over time was leading with emotional intelligence. Understanding your moods and emotions so you can think and act with a clear mind. Seeing all sides of a situation and why someone or yourself may be reacting so you can better understand. Finding compromise so everyone feels valued and understood. Leading with emotional intelligence is important to creating a safe space for you and your team. Leading by example will inspire your team to do the same. 

Alexis Mariachini

What inspires you?

I have desired to be a nurse since I was a child and found inspiration along the way in life. I have always admired the intelligence, ethical responsibility, class, and selflessness of this profession. I was inspired by the versatility of the profession and utilized this benefit by practicing Aesthetics, Plastics, and Critical Care nursing. To me, it was admirable and empowering to become a nurse. It is inspirational to be able to plan for the future, work hard on the present, and to watch what your dreams unfold in front of you. It is like having superpowers. It is amazingly inspirational to be successful and love what I am doing every day. I struggled with self-confidence and my education has only built my confidence. The ability to work with men and women and collaborate with them to cultivate strength and beauty has led me to success and a rewarding career.  I love my position at Xanadu Med Spa because it allows me to focus on helping people feel and look their absolute best. It is tremendously rewarding when working with patients to restore the stressors of life in their face. Lifting and lighting the lines and shadows that come with time. Plumping and filling spaces that may have emptied from the patient's hard work brings me satisfaction.  

How have you leveraged your power and influence to effect positive change in your community?

As a nurse, I have the power and influence to effect positive change in my community. My community has influenced me and has shown me how to connect with them and lead them with decisions in beauty, health, and wellness. I have had the gift of experiencing people in their most vulnerable state, which allows me to better connect with their experiences and vision. When I look at the words leverage and power, I think to myself I can’t leverage anything over anyone. But when I think of power, I think of the knowledge that the human experience has given me. Because of what I’ve learned from my community, it is vital for me to work hard on building relationships, listening, empathizing, learning, communicating, taking action, and collaborating with my patients and clients. Lastly, I find it immensely important to measure and celebrate my success by keeping track of the impact I am making and reviewing my progress so that I continue to grow and make impact on my clients. When you open yourself up to vulnerability, and see people at their worst, or experience their best with them, this allows you to connect with them and better understand their needs and what changes they are looking for. This allows me to continue my growth and impact. I communicate my vision to all that will listen for a positive change in a way that resonates with my community. I use my weight loss platform to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.