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Innovations Charter School

A Q&A with one of the school’s founders, Jennifer Hiro

Innovations Charter School sits hidden mauka side of Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway. We sat down with Jennifer Hiro — one of the school’s founders — and discussed education and the distinct role that Innovations plays on the Kona Coast. 

What are the unique attributes of an Innovations’ graduate?

"The students at our school learn to ask really good questions. We teach them how to be problem solvers. And because our students get to explore their unique interests, it creates a natural hunger for learning. We think it is important for students to have a voice in their education. We get real satisfaction from watching a student apply their learning in a real-life application. We believe that is the best measurement of what a student knows."

What are the most important issues that Big Island kids are facing right now?

"We want to help our students become marketable. The majority of our educational system was built for the Industrial Revolution, teaching students how to complete tasks, follow directions and be efficient. But the world is calling for creative problem solvers. We are caught in the standardized testing era. This isn’t preparing them to overcome the real world challenges they will face. We need our school system to be aligned with the future jobs. Social media has also transformed the relational landscape. Bullying, verbal communication and eye contact have been shaped by the forces of social media."

How is Innovations meeting these challenges?

"We spend time building interpersonal skills and learning to work in teams. We incorporate public performance in our learning model. We want all our students to be proficient in communicating their ideas in front of a crowd. Another unique offering of our school is the time counselors spend in the classroom teaching students to navigate the social issues they are facing because of social media. For example, how should a student say 'I’m sorry' when they have posted something mean on social media that everyone gets to see? We offer an advisory class in our middle school that is focused on common sense behavior while using media." 

What are a few things parents can do to support their child’s education?

"Parents should not underestimate the impact they can have by showing interest in the content that their children are learning at school. As education has evolved, many parents feel confused by the 'new way' kids are learning, which is most apparent in the math curriculum. It may take extra effort for parents to engage but it will be well worth their effort." 

For more information about Innovations Charter School please visit

The students at our school learn to ask really good questions. We teach them how to be problem solvers. And because our students get to explore their unique interests, it creates a natural hunger for learning.