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Inside CrossFit Kona

Meet owner, Kirk Henry

In 2017, Kirk Henry was life-flighted to Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu. “CrossFit saved my life…my heart was strong enough to push blood through arteries that were 80% blocked.” The doctors explained that Kirk had a genetic disorder that caused plaque build up in his arteries. If it wasn't for his strong fitness, the outcome that day might have been much different. 

Eleven years ago, Kirk joined a CrossFit class to improve his surfing. “Did it help?” I asked. “Yes, but it started taking me away from surfing because I loved CrossFit more!” “I took over the kid’s class and that’s what got me into coaching.” Today Kirk owns and operates CrossFit Kona. 

“I was always investing in the box, painting and buying new equipment for the kids.” When the previous owner put the business up for sale, Kirk knew he wanted to buy it. “It’s a good place for people to go. My daughter is a senior in high school and comes to the box at night to work out with friends. There are not many places like that for young people in Kona.” To Kirk, CrossFit Kona is more than a business, it is a place to gather. “I love the community in CrossFit. Being around people of all levels of fitness, not worrying about who is better, we’re all in it together.”

When I asked him about the future, Kirk said, “I would love to see CrossFit Kona as a one-stop shop for health and wellness. Massage, Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Nutrition Guidance and Athlete Recovery.”

Many people are intimidated by CrossFit. Kirk wants to break that barrier. “We’re a supportive community, everyone is a big family.” CrossFit Kona can challenge advanced athletes and help beginners scale their workouts to reach their fitness goals. And they still run the kid’s classes three days a week.

Attainable Goals
I would advise people looking to improve their health to start off with small attainable goals. Try not to change too many things at once. It’s easy to take on too much, get discouraged and quit.

Make It Fun
Find something that you enjoy. Bike riding, walking, surfing, whatever movements you like. Motion is lotion. If you are not enjoying the activity, you will stop doing it. The key is to start getting active.

Find a Friend
Partnering with a friend helps make you accountable. On the days you don’t feel like getting active, your friend will push you to move. Community is the key to success.

Join Us
If you need a place to start, CrossFit Kona would love to partner with you to reach your fitness goals.