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Invest in the Right Fitness Equipment to Meet Your Needs

Make the Right Choice for the Best Results

Investing in at-home fitness equipment

We have all done it.  We buy new fitness equipment for at home workouts, but they are soon used for hanging our clothes on them!  Making the decision to buy at-home fitness equipment can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider — from type of equipment to size to price. And the decision is very personal; what works for one person may not be the best choice for another.

How to decide if you should buy and what to buy:

What are you hoping to accomplish?

Understanding your fitness goals is essential before buying a piece of at-home equipment. Before you start shopping, I suggest you sit down and write out the results you hope to see from a consistent exercise routine. If you want to burn as many calories as possible and lose weight, a piece of cardio equipment may be the best choice. If you want to build muscle, a piece of strength equipment is the better option. Having this written down will help keep you focused on the big picture and avoid being swayed by fancy equipment or cool features that may not serve you in the long run.

Which type of exercise do you enjoy the most?

To get the most out of any workout routine, you need to enjoy the type of exercise you’re doing. Once you identify your goals and narrow down the type of equipment that will get you there, it’s time to decide which type of activity you will enjoy. Say, for example, you want to focus on cardio; a treadmill, spin bike or rower are all good options. To narrow it down, list out the types of movement you enjoy. Do you like to walk or run? Enjoy spin classes? Love being on the water?  I recommend focusing on equipment that will allow you to do a type of movement you already enjoy. If you aren’t currently active, think back to when you were a kid. Did you love to ride your bike around the neighborhood? Were you on the track team in high school? Use your interests to inform which type of activity you focus on.

What Goals Do You Want to Achieve?

Do you need coaching, or do you need to share your workouts with others to stay motivated?

At-home workouts aren’t always as easy as they seem. Yes, being able to get your workout done at home is convenient but staying motivated when you’re exercising alone is hard. Research shows that technology, when incorporated into at-home exercise equipment, can help boost motivation. If you’re someone who needs this extra motivation, at-home equipment with a virtual coaching feature may be beneficial for you. There are plenty of cardio options (including spin bikes!) that offer one-on-one coaching programs with their equipment. 

How much space do you have in your home?

Space doesn’t have to hold you back when buying a piece of equipment, but it should definitely be a consideration. If you’re not looking to rearrange your home or dedicate a large piece of real estate to an at-home gym, choosing a piece of equipment that is portable or easily tucked away may be the best option.

How Much Can You Afford to Spend?

Once you’ve narrowed it down to one type of equipment, it’s time to think budget. The prices of equipment can run from a few hundred dollars to thousands. While this sometimes makes it overwhelming to choose a specific brand, it’s also great because no matter your budget, you can likely find the piece of equipment you’re looking for. If you’re willing to forego some of the bells and whistles, you can even find traditionally more expensive pieces of equipment like treadmills, spin bikes and connected smart weights at an accessible price.

If you’re just getting back into fitness, start with a budget-friendly option first to make exercise a habit and ensure you can stick with it before shelling out more cash. For example, if you’ve decided strength training is your exercise of choice, opt for a set of dumbbells and a workout app subscription over a pricier connected fitness system. This way, if you find you don’t enjoy the exercise or lose motivation, it won’t be a huge blow to your wallet to ditch the equipment and find something new to try.  

Once you buy your equipment you can call Fitness Machine Technicians to help you with the assembly and to teach you how to best use your equipment.  If you have problems with your equipment or it stops working, they will become your best friends!  Moving?  They can help with that too.  Colin Winchester and Eric Wright are professionals who know fitness equipment inside and out and can give you great advice and terrific service.  Learn more about them at 704.499.3478,