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Investing in Kids, Family, and Future

Spend time sharing and participating in your child's future

Article by Taylor Van Arsdale

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Meridian Lifestyle

Investing in your child’s future can mean a myriad of things. Some people may hear investing and think it’s all about finances. And while that’s true, and you should provide financial stability for your child – investing in your child can carry multiple connotations. 

Time is an investment, and in this case, investing time in your child’s future can be as simple as investing time to watch them as they participate in team sports or sharing the joy of attending either a sporting event or a show. The Treasure Valley has more than a few options in this regard. 

College of Idaho Women's Softball Games

Women's softball is a sport that is on the rise and you can get your daughter involved early with T-ball and progress from there. Softball is a lot like baseball, with its own spin on the sport. Women pitch the ball underhand at around 60 mph, from 43 feet away, to a batter standing in the batter's box. The goal of the sport is to score as many runs as you can while you're on offense, and to keep the other team from scoring while you're on defense. Women's softball is very upbeat and exciting and can provide great entertainment for you and your child. If you’re interested in checking out a game you can find more info here:

Home game - Friday April 19th  

Time: 1pm and 3pm 

Location: College of Idaho campus softball field (Caldwell, Idaho)

Price: Free $0 

Full schedule link:

Boise State Men's Tennis match

Men's tennis is a lot like Ping Pong, but on a greater scale. The goal of the sport is to score more points than your opponent. Played on a big rectangle court, with a net dividing the two sides, its objective is to hit the tennis ball, with a racket, hard and far away from your opponent, while also keeping the ball inside the playing lines. The person who scores the most points, wins. There is not a lot of cheering during tennis, and it can be very exciting to watch. If you want to share a game with your child, there’s one coming up here:

Home Match: April 12 

Time: 5 PM

Location: Appleton Tennis Center (Boise, Idaho)

Price: Free. $0

Full schedule link:

Boise State Women's Beach Volleyball

You don’t necessarily equate beach volleyball with Idaho, but beach volleyball is a new and upcoming sport here in the Treasure Valley. Similar to indoor volleyball, however, it is played outside on a sand court (hence the name “beach”). Instead of 6 people on the court as there is in indoor volleyball, there are only 2 people playing for each team. The goal is to pass and hit the ball over the dividing net to your opponents, without them hitting the ball back to you. If you hit the ball over the net, and it hits the sand in fair territory, that is a point for your team. First team to 21 points, wins. Beach volleyball can get the adrenaline going very quickly. Taking your child to a game can foster interest in sports. 

Home match: April 2nd 

Time: 2 PM and 4 PM

Location: College of Idaho Sand Courts (Caldwell, Idaho)

Price: Free 

Full schedule link:

Boise State Theatre Arts 

There’s no business like show business, and Boise State’s Theatre and Arts program presents some family friendly musicals, choirs and plays. This month it’s musical, The Sound of Music. Attending a musical is a wonderful way to be involved with your community, but also get your kids thinking about their future and whether they’d someday like to be involved in the theatre. 

Title: The Sound of Music

Date: April 14

Time: 2 PM 

Location: Morrison Center (Boise, Idaho)

Ticket Price: $40 


We’ve talked about investing time in your children by being with them and introducing them to community events, but what about investing in your family? Idaho is the perfect place for family outings. Whether it’s having a picnic, going for a hike, or catching a movie under the stars. 

Movies under the stars 

A great family outing for the entire family and one that is enjoyable for every age group is watching a movie under the stars. Julia Davis Band Shell in Boise has three dates starting in June, and Meridian has the Sparklight Movie night starting in May at Settler’s Park.  Bring snacks/food, blankets, pillows, and anything else you want to get comfy. Meridian location also has a concession stand. 

Boise Location:

Dates: June 21st, July 19th, August 16th (movie titles to be announced)

Location: Julia Davis Park 700 S. Capitol Boulevard

Time: A little after dusk (for the projector equipment to work properly)

Price: Free 


Meridian Location: 

Dates: May 31, June 14, June 28, July 12, July 26, and Aug 9

Location: Settler’s Park 3245 N. Meridian Road

Time: After Dusk

Price: Free


Walking a Nature Trail

Hulls Gulch Nature Trail provides the perfect family hike. This 6.3 mile trail is considered “moderately challenging” but you can always go at your own pace. Hiking is a great way to create some family bonding while getting out some energy for the little ones. This one provides a great lookout over the city of Boise. 

Length: 6 miles (total) 

Time: 3 hours 

Location: Hulls Gulch Nature Trail Head

Price: Free


Julia Davis Park 

A family outing at a park can be a beneficial investment in many ways. Not only will you spend quality time playing with your children, but you can provide your children the opportunity to make new friends. This park has several horseshoe pits, tables for picnics, open play areas for younger kids, and there’s even fishing. 

Location: Julia Davis Park 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise 

Time: Sunrise to Dusk 

Price: Free

Things To Do: Birding, Bocce, Fishing, Green Belt Access, Horseshoes, open play area, Playground, restrooms, and tennis courts. 


And last but not least, let’s talk about investing in your child’s future by setting up a financial plan and the benefits thereof.

Opening a Joint Bank Account 

One of the most beneficial aspects of opening up a joint bank account for your child is that you’ll be teaching your child how to effectively manage money. Being able to manage money is a very important part of growing up. Starting your child on the path to financial independence at a young age is a way to help them successfully navigate and manage their future. 

As a parent, you have full control of what your child is spending, and thus, you can add money whenever you deem necessary or curtail spending when it is needed.  By keeping track of expenditures, you remain in control and can guide your child while allowing some financial independence. 

Zions Bank Young Savers Account

Benefits: A low required opening deposit so that kids can easily get started saving. Earn interest on every dollar saved with no minimum balance requirement. Lower interest tiers, so young savers can earn on lower balances while building up savings. Gives your child a way to save without a minimum balance requirement or Monthly Maintenance Fee. Establish optional transfers from a checking account to help build savings automatically. Use Digital Banking to manage finances on your own time through a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

Age: 13-25 years old


Capital One

Joint bank account with your child; but the child has their own account and debit card 

Ages: 8 years - 17 years 

Annual Percentage yield (Interest): 0.10% 

No fees or minimums necessary 

Parental Control: easy to use app that shares all information with parents. Auto pay allowance, track account activities, and lock and unlock childs debit card if needed. 



With the Greenlight debit card and app, kids earn money through chores, set savings goals, spend wisely, and invest. Parents set flexible controls and get real-time notifications every time their kids spend money. Kids and parents log in to the same Greenlight app but have two different experiences. Parents set flexible controls and receive real-time alerts while kids monitor their balances, set their own goals, and learn how to manage their money.


These are three ways to invest in your children, by spending quality time with them as they pursue their goals, by sharing family time and by setting up actual investments for their future. 

Investing time in your child’s future can be as simple as investing time to watch them as they participate in team sports.

Idaho is the perfect place for family outings. Whether it’s having a picnic, going for a hike, or catching a movie under the stars.