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IV Vitamin Therapy, Fad or Fab?

Approaching Health and Wellness at the Dripbar in Kona

We all want to be healthy, yet, one size does not fit all when it comes to health. As medical developments advance, we realize that sometimes health issues need to be approached from a different perspective in order to find the results we seek.

In 1902, the standard IV use of saline solutions began and was further developed in the 1930s. Just two decades later, it became widely available to the public. Today, healthcare professionals are increasingly using IV treatments outside of hospitals for many purposes, one of them is IV Vitamin Therapy.

This treatment delivers micronutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption. We require thirteen essential vitamins to survive. Yet, our bodies cannot produce those vitamins, they need to be acquired.

When high-dose vitamins are infused through the vein, the cells become flooded with them. It is at the cellular level where these vitamins do their most important work, having a restorative effect that can last as long as the cells are alive.

Although oral supplements are a great complement to IV Vitamin Therapy, they are not as effective because the vita- mins in oral supplements must pass through the digestive system and liver before the remaining micronutrients can get to the targeted cells. Environmental factors like prescription drugs, antibiotics, and over- the-counter medicines such as Prilosec® can interfere with the digestive system, making it harder for the body to absorb micronutrients.

Boosting cellular health is essential for overall wellness, and IV Micronutrient Therapy can help achieve that by saturating your cells with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Cells have a lifespan that ranges from several days to several months or years. Thus, the intermittent infusion of high-dose water-soluble vitamins can have a lasting effect.

Sometimes, especially when someone has issues absorbing vitamins, the intra- venous route of administration is the only way to break a negative cycle of unhealthy cell reproduction. Once reestablished, cell reproduction is much easier to maintain.

IV Vitamin Therapy can ensure the cells obtain nearly 100% of the nutrients that are provided versus only about 30% of nutrients that might be absorbed through oral supplementation.

The Myers Cocktail, invented by Dr. John Myers, has been used since the 1960’s to provide greater levels of health and wellness. Celebrities like Madonna, John Legend, Jane Fonda, and Cindy Crawford have all used IV Vitamin Therapy.

The conventional medical approach is to wait for something to happen and then react to the disease state. However, IV Vitamin Therapy gives people the opportunity to proactively address their health at a cellular level to preserve vitality and prevent harm. It is a step forward in the field of advanced health maintenance.

So to obtain results you have never seen before, then try something you have never done before. Research IV Vitamin Therapy and consider it. It might be just
what you need.

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