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Kitty Korner Door

Cater to Your Kitty Without Compromising Your Home

In 2018, Jason Jacobson and his friend Brian Hohman launched Kitty Korner Door. This home- and pet-friendly product includes an easy-to-install hinge that connects to nearly any interior door in your household. With step-by-step instructions, you are able to give your small pet, and yourself, a happier home.

Jacobson met Hohman at a young age while attending school in Eden Prairie. Having remained close friends through the years, they decided to explore the business world together and decided to become business partners. The idea behind Kitty Korner Door originated due to Jacobson’s allergy to cats.

“Growing up, there was never a good situation for the litter box. I always thought there had to be a simpler way to solve my allergies and be able to keep my pets,” says Jacobson. After spending years with his pets and having concepts brew in his head, Jacobsen decided to put his ideas to use. Ideally, he knew he would like to keep a litter box in a closet for his pet, however, he knew that was going to be impossible unless the closet door was open at all times. That’s when he thought of taking off a corner of his door. 

Jacobson spent countless nights working with different varieties of hinge mechanisms, from plastics to metals, to everything in between, until he could find one that was patentable. He brought Hohman onto the project to help him create the perfect hinge that could work on nearly all interior doors. It wasn't long after the pair had a breakthrough that they asked Jacobson’s step-father Tim Fisher to join the team and help with the marketing aspect of the company. In 2018 they launched Kitty Korner Door.

“Jason has always been a very creative and visual person. He comes up with these great ideas quite often, but it was the process of turning this idea into an actual product that becomes tricky,” says Fisher, who is now the General Manager.

Jacobson adds, “When I built my first prototype, it was nice to see how simple it was. Simple is good. You can use your regular door and turn it into a cat door, and it doesn’t change the look of your home. Your cat is happy, you are happy.”

Currently, Kitty Korner Door is an online-only retail seller of pet doors. Although the company markets toward cats, the doors can also be used for small dogs or any small animal. They sell their products on their website, as well as Amazon. The product itself is marketed as DIY, this way customers know that they get to be a part of the process that will give their pet a happy home.

“The process is actually very straightforward and simple. The product itself is a hinge that facilitates you to turn your door into a cat door. All you need to know is how to use a saw, and be able to drill a couple of holes into your door. There can occasionally be some issues depending on door construction, however any normal residential door we have found works,” explains Fisher.

As of right now, Kitty Korner Door has generated sales in almost every State in the U.S., with their largest sales being in California, Texas, and Florida. Although the men are currently working through the basics, such as marketing and promoting their product, in the future they hope to expand.

Jacobson is looking to sell in Canada as well as develop new sizes and copper finishes within the upcoming years. “We are receiving amazing feedback so far so we are focusing on expanding our product to a broader audience,” Jacobson adds.

While Kitty Korner Door markets their product on their website and Amazon, you can also find them on a variety of social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

“For most people, their biggest investment is their home, and they are very particular with the way it looks. We believe our product doesn’t change the original look of your home, leaving both you and your pet happy,” says Fisher.