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Novus Anti-Aging Center:

Healing Is an Inside Job

As the CEO and Owner of the Novus Anti-Aging Center, Stephanie Wolff believes in healing the body from within and wants people to take control of their own health—becoming “proactive” rather than “reactive.”

“Medicine is good and serves a purpose when needed, but we have what is called sick care, not health care in the United States,” explains Wolff, who has been practicing medicine for nearly two decades.

“People only go to the doctor when they are sick, never when they are preventing sickness—I hope to change this viewpoint,” she continues. “There is a saying I use in my practice—‘clean your side of the street’—and what I mean by that is do your part to maintain your health through proper hormone and peptide optimization, diet and exercise. You do just these small things and your body will continue to work like a racecar.”

Popular offerings for women include the O-Shot, Viveve, Vampire Facials, Shockwave for Cellulite and PRP for hair restoration or joint pain relief. Wolff also offers custom Hormone Optimization Programs, taking a deep dive into your body’s specific needs to get you feeling your best again. 

“Most patients come into the clinic feeling stressed, depressed, lethargic and unclear as to why this is happening,” she says. “They have done all of the things they know, such as diet and exercise; they’ve even had a visit with their primary care physicians but still cannot get to the root of their issues.”

Wolff dives into their medical background and orders an extensive lab panel of which she educates patients on each individual test separately and explains why it’s important and why it fails, as well as how to fix it with either hormones, peptides or diet.

“I create a personalized Hormone Custom Plan based on the labs, medical history and goals of each individual patient,” she explains, adding that most patients leave her clinic never having experienced such a visit.

“They are fully educated and empowered to take control of healing their bodies from within rather than using ‘Band-aid fixes’ given to them by their primary care physicians,” she says.

Above all, patients at the Novus Anti-Aging Center discover a new look at life through hormone optimization, peptide therapy and stem cell exosomes, and a personalized, hands-on experience.

“There is not a one-size-fits-all in my mind,” Wolff emphasizes. “Everyone is unique and different and requires a customized plan based on their specific goals.”

Wolff is proud that the year 2022 marks the fifth anniversary of the Novus Anti-Aging Center.

The Novus Anti-Aging Center is located at 11650 Riverside Drive, Suite 11, in Studio City. For more information, visit or call 310.954.1450.