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Featured Article

Leaning In

Finding peace and success through mindfulness and friendships

Article by Sue G. Collins

Photography by Wayne Albright and Linen & Flax

Originally published in Roswell City Lifestyle

Put yourself on the list.

Lean into the strong and smart women in your life.

Work every day to keep your mind, body, spirit and soul healthy. 

Live a beautiful life.

These are Chaz Easterly’s tenets, a rock-solid foundation of the new life she’s carved out for herself after a recent challenging divorce and harrowing health journey. 

The creative force and founder of the Linen & Flax brand based here in Roswell, she leans heavily into her faith which buoyed her through rough waters and continues to power her every move. Personally and professionally. 

It was nearly six years ago that she needed to find a job to contribute to the family budget. Any job. After having doors shut in her face time and time again, she drove down Canton Street and prayed for inspiration and help. Chaz walked into the nearby Pottery Barn clutching a photo of her children and landed herself a job. In the three years that followed, she learned the business of retail and sales and built on her passion for interior design. 

In 2015, she held a one-day Designer Open House in her home. “For the second show, I added goods I curated from antique markets and other finds. I met with a furniture vendor to build a custom line of furniture, and sold everything in the house. Women were fighting in the foyer over art,” says Chaz, a mother of three and Roswell resident of 14 years. 

In 2017, she found herself again on Canton Street and saw a “for lease - commercial” sign in front of a small white bungalow. A month later and countless hours of sweat equity from friends and neighbors, Linen & Flax Home opened its doors, with more than 500 people showing up on day one. “Linen & Flax was created to make life more beautiful,” says Chaz. “I credit the power of social media, namely Instagram. We needed a furniture store in Roswell, and people showed up. They always show up.”

Now the brand has a cohesive worldwide presence, an apparel store across the street and a larger headquarters with a design studio, fulfillment center and e-commerce team offices. The online presence exploded during the Covid-19 pandemic and has shoppers from coast to coast. While design was the initial driving force of the brand, now all segments are performing equally as strong. Most recently, Chaz added a leisure line, featuring destinations she loves including a stunning home in Rosemary Beach, Florida. “It’s a Linen & Flax experience. My heart and soul are in that house,” says Chaz of the vacation rental she decorated that is booked solid. Everything in the home has a QR code tag for seamless shopping. “Part of creating a beautiful life is traveling with your family. This is everyone’s summer house.”

And, by “everyone,” she means her friends, family and extended family of nearly 85,000 followers on Instagram. “I engage with them (followers) every day. They want to know where I’m going, what I’m wearing and what’s happening in my life. I want to know them, too, and I respond to every DM.”

She is non-stop. She credits her family for supporting her and other like-minded creative entrepreneurs for inspiring her. “I love to create and find what’s missing, then build it. I surround myself with people who are smarter than I am. I dream it, but they make it happen. I’m a dreamer and schemer.” 

Last year, with a goal to engage directly with followers, nourish friendships and explore the vision for the Linen & Flax brand, she held a live event with hundreds of attendees. In March, the second annual event sold out in a day, with 220 people sharing their journeys. “I found the conversations so meaningful and had the opportunity to encourage people in their faith and inspire them to put themselves on the list…first on the list!” More than half of those gathered traveled from out of state.

Now, her team is 45 people strong and she sources new employees from her pool of Instagram brand ambassadors and other creatives she follows on social media. “They are my vision carriers. They know me and want to be a part of the brand. They know I am a mom who started something out of nothing. And that I am nothing without my faith or friends.”

It was her friends who held her up during the last two challenging years. 

“I was in the middle of a divorce and overweight. I started walking to get out of the house so the kids wouldn’t see me crying,” Chaz shares. That practice turned into fuel for a new, more mindful life, with friends helping to pull her out of her black hole and a posse of women professionals (a lawyer, therapist and finance manager) who held her hand and had her back. These women all attended her recent LIVE event. 

“I learned, if you’re going through a difficult season, put yourself on the top of the list. Now, everyone on my team has locked into a more mindful life. Walking and prayer changed everything,” says Chaz. 

Next up? Linen & Flax 2.0, a rebirth of the brand, with a new excitement, a freedom and more opportunity to explore with confidence. Watch Chaz walk. Then run. And, good luck trying to keep up! 

Linen & Flax