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Legacy on the Lake

An evening of giving for The Grosse Pointe Chamber

Director of Administration, Regan Stolarski, at the Grosse Pointe Chamber is in charge of the Chamber’s largest fundraiser this year. Regan said that she is very excited about this year’s gala and she, along with the Committee Members David Balle, Ed Russell, Doug Blatt, Mary Wilson, Andre Ahee, Mark Heppner, Jody Ingle, Kris Mestdagh, Shane Reeside and Kevin Grady, will prepare for “a celebration of community” as it is written on the invitation.

Legacy on the Lake will take place on the eve of June 23rd at the Eleanor & Edsel Ford House.  Of the seven other events the Chamber is hosting this year, this signature event is celebrating its eighth year.  This year, the Chamber is honoring the legacy of Fred Alger and his family.  “Fred has returned to Grosse Pointe after completing his career and is re-investing in the Community,” says Regan. “Their donation of the Alger House was the foundation of our War Memorial. Now, he is generously continuing that support and adding on to an already incredible legacy," she says.

In 1949, the Alger’s donated their home as a permanent war memorial in order to honor those that risked and gave their lives in World War II and as a center for education, culture and patriotic activities.  Recently, Mr. Alger donated $20 million more to fund programming and support of the arts and culture, improvements on the property and construction of a 25,000 square foot building which will open soon.

“We are grateful for all that Fred Alger and his family have done for this Community,” says Dr. David Balle, Chair of the Event.  “We began this event eight years ago to celebrate those that have given so generously and believe in our beautiful town,”  Says David

Even during the pandemic, The Chamber kept this invaluable event going.  The Chamber delivered dinners, drinks and gifts to those who wanted to continue with the experience.  The Event in 2021 was held virtually and was an overwhelming success.

The Event will be back at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House this year and The Chamber is looking forward to a beautiful evening of fun, food and festivities.

For more information, please call 313.881.4772 or go to