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Let There Be Light!

World renowned artist Bruce Munro brings his unique glow to Austin

Article by Sarah Ivens

Photography by Copyright © 2022 Bruce Munro.

Originally published in Austin Lifestyle

London-born artist Bruce Munro has been creating artistic experiences around the world for decades... and at the moment, it is Austin's turn. Illuminating 16 acres of the Wildflower Center with a stunning display of 28,000 solar-powered spheres, his exhibition celebrates how art, nature and technology can work together to create beauty. We asked the beloved artist a few questions about his Field of Light.

You’re known for your immersive, large-scale installations… art that brings people together in the most beautiful way. What has it meant to you to create and share your work with people all over the world?


Prototyping is all part of the creative process, which always begins with the Inspiration. To be able to share and convey thoughts and emotions by making art is a privilege.


Tell us about the installation you’ve created that will be at the Wildflower Center in Austin, and what do you hope the people of Austin will think and feel as the wander through it?


The installation at the wildflower centre is an iteration of the Field of Light. It was inspired by my travels in the Australian Outback in 1992. My hope is that visitors will feel uplifted in spirit and connected to their surroundings. If they leave the exhibition with a smile on their face then my job is done!

Describe some of the feedback you’ve had from art lovers that has made you feel happy, positive and grateful for the creative life you lead?

Creating art has taught me that nothing can be achieved in isolation. Feedback is part of the “whole” experience; everything is connected.

You’re talking to us for our November Thanksgiving issue. You’re British, and live in England, so don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like we would here in Austin, but what are you most grateful and hopeful for as 2022 draws to a close?

I am most thankful to continue to have opportunities to make art. I try to take every day as it comes and not get overwhelmed by the bigger picture. I have hope and trust that the young will guide us all to a better future.

For more information on Bruce’s installation, go to

Photos: Copyright © 2022 Bruce Munro. All rights reserved.

What music and literature have you heard or read that have inspired you to create?

Art is an expression of my life, which is continually enriched by music and literature. Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and Orlando Gough’s choral compositions have inspired works.