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Light as Art

Local Artist Changes the Way We Look at the Lightbulb

The humble lightbulb changed the way we live. Now, a local artist wants to change the way we look at this miracle-turned-utilitarian-gadget.

“To me, lighting design isn’t just a light, it is a functional sculpture,” said Tim Bachman of Odd dream design. “Lighting and design in general can create a feeling when you walk into a room.”

Carving a Path

Bachman grew up in Denver. As a kid, he was always interested in art and began painting in his early 20s. Eventually, he enrolled at Metropolitan University to study industrial design.

“I fell in love with woodworking and the history of famous lighting designers during this time,” he said. “After graduating I knew I didn’t want to design plastic products such as cell phones or appliances so I knew I would have to carve my own path.”

After graduating, he moved to Colorado Springs to create his art – oil on canvas, oil and acrylic on wood, charcoal/ink on paper, as well as furniture and lighting. His art is inspired by the natural world, but usually includes a surreal twist.

Light as Art

Bachman's design style is whimsical and organic with a mid-century aesthetic.

“I aim to create a warm and inviting ambiance when you walk into a room, something that sparks your inner child and imagination,” he said.

He creates all lighting in his studio, sometimes using a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine for more complicated pendants. 

Check out Bachman’s YouTube channel to see him at work. If you’d like to see the art firsthand, he’s at Art 1eleven Gallery in downtown Colorado Springs and in-person at festivals throughout the state. He’ll also soon be in 45 Degree gallery in Old Colorado City.

Facebook: @odd-dream-design
Instagram: @odd_dream_design