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Pocket Dentist allows consumers to get answers about the dental industry.

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Local Dentist Makes It Easy for Patients With Questions

Pocket Dentist connects community with experts in the dental field

Article by Heide Brandes

Photography by Provided

Originally published in OKC City Lifestyle

Pocket Dentist, a new interactive website, is helping consumers answer questions about the dental industry before they head in for an appointment. 

From insurance questions to gum issues to teeth cleaning, Pocket Dentist ( connects users to an expert in the dental industry to answer their questions - all free of charge to the user. 

The website was developed by Oklahoma-based dentist Russell Brorsen and launched in early September 2021 for Oklahoma customers. It will expand to Texas and then nationwide. 

"Pocket Dentist decentralizes expertise. Pocket Dentist quickly and conveniently empowers the user with the knowledge they need to confidently make better decisions," said Brorsen. "It almost sounds embarrassingly simple - it is simply a platform that will directly connect you to an expert to answer your question."

Pocket Dentist grows upon another development Brorsen founded - Dental Double Check,  another online platform that connects patients with dentists for second opinions through an online portal for residents of Oklahoma,

1. Why Did you Create Pocket Dentist?

There is a wide variety of sites on the Internet with information about dentistry, but finding the answer to a specific question can be a challenge. Additionally, any information must be personalized and identified with the needs of the user in mind. 

2. What Kind of Impact Does Pocket Dentist Have For Those Who Have Used It?

In one instance, a user estimates their family saved around $800 after inquiring about a procedure for new crowns that seemed unusually high, especially since they had insurance. 

“I've never used Pocket Dentist before, but it was so helpful,” he said. “I signed up for free, uploaded my document and within minutes had a breakdown of the situation that helped me make a good financial and health decision for my family. The quality of advice was high.”

3. What Problem Does This Innovation Solve?

The problem that we've been trying to solve is this huge gap between what you can find on the internet and what you get by going to a professional. People have a lot of questions, and the internet does a good job of answering a question, but we find that it does a poor job of answering their specific question, Brorsen said.