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Lounds Little Free Library

Once upon a time in a Gilbert neighborhood there lived a middle school math teacher and book lover, Danika Lounds. The Indiana native turned desert dweller is a steward for Lounds Library, a community book exchange hosted out of a cute wooden box. The library is a charter of the Little Free Library organization, a nonprofit dedicated to spreading the love of reading and making books more accessible to kids and adults nationwide.

Lounds says she happened upon a Little Free Library a few years ago and mentioned to her husband that she wanted to steward one for her community in the future. Her husband, Christopher, gifted her the library for her 30th birthday, bringing joy not only to Danika but to the entire neighborhood.

The little library established on June 11 is still in its early stages, but it’s safe to say the library has made a positive impact on the community. Lounds says families often stop by during their evening walks and some UPS and Amazon delivery drivers have even stopped to peruse the book selections. The most popular books are early readers and small chapter books. Lounds says she hopes kids in the neighborhood are enjoying the library on their summer break.

She keeps the library stocked with an assortment of books of all genres and reading levels. From children’s books to adult thrillers and romance, this little library has something for everyone. Community members can also help load up the library by donating books in person or online or by leaving a book when they take one, but that’s not a requirement. Lounds says her favorite part of being a steward is seeing what books were taken and which books were added to her library. As an avid reader, she says, “It’s always a pleasant surprise when I find a book I have wanted to read in our library.”

From the outside, the Lounds Library looks like a miniature house with an exterior mirroring a typical Arizona home. The inside is vibrant and filled with stories that’ll transport readers to new worlds and take them on thrilling adventures. To find a Little Free Library, visit and type in a location or charter number. Lounds Library is Little Free Library Charter Number 159645.

Visit its Instagram and Facebook page for updates, reading challenges and more.

"I truly hope kids in the neighborhood are enjoying the library on their summer break."