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Lana Shabdeen, Author,

Featured Article

Local Author Pens Perfect 40!

An enlightening self-help guide for millennial women approaching age 40

What sparked you to write this book?

The idea emerged from my personal journey. Around age 37, I entered a phase where I felt discontent with myself and began journaling. I discovered that my dissatisfaction stemmed from a fear of aging, particularly the approaching milestone of turning 40.

I was surprised to find a dearth of information on this specific fear. I was motivated by the collective experiences of myself and other women and driven by the desire to ensure others didn't endure the isolation I once felt.

What do you hope readers will gain from your book?

Self-love, self-confidence, clarity, help and knowing that they are not alone. The book offers support and understanding to women confronting the challenges and uncertainties associated with approaching the age of 40, fostering a sense of connection and shared strength.

How did you become a writer?

Self-help and personal improvement have always been some of my deepest passions. I devote a significant part of my time and energy to searching for ways to help people love themselves.  

I began writing my first book at the age of 40. Considering English is my second language, I had never even considered writing a book, but the desire to help others made it all possible!

Find Perfect 40! on Applebooks, Google Books and Audible.