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Make-A-Wish Brings Hope to New Mexico

Make-A-Wish New Mexico will grant more than 100 wishes to children in our state this year.

Make-A-Wish New Mexico will grant more than 100 wishes to children in our state this year. Last year, the local organization helped 110 children who faced health challenges meet celebrities, go to Disney World, or visit the beach with their families.

Sara Lister, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish New Mexico, says, “The mission for Make-A-Wish is to grant life-changing wishes to children who battle critical illnesses.” Each local chapter is a 501c3 but part of the Make-A-Wish America Federated model. Lister says, “We are responsible for raising money in New Mexico to grant the wishes of New Mexico kids. Our chapter does cover our entire state of New Mexico, and it’s obviously a large territory.”

A child can be referred to Make-A-Wish by their medical provider or someone on their medical team. Family members, parents, and wish children can also self-refer at the organization’s website.

After a child qualifies, Make-A-Wish contacts them to start the wish journey process. Lister says, “We try to make it as special as we can for each child.”

Every child gets a wish discovery visit, and the Make-A-Wish staff learn more about them and what they love to find their ideal wish. Lister says, “It’s really just a chance for us to get to know the child because so much of their lives is dictated by their diagnosis. What we want to do is not talk about that for a while and talk about things that are just fun that they dream about, that they think might not be possible. We ultimately get down to what their wish is.”

A child can wish to meet someone, such as their favorite celebrity or sports star. Children can also use their wish to visit a specific destination. Lister says, “The chance to see things they haven’t seen before is high on the list.”

Children can wish to have something, like a new puppy or a bedroom makeover. Some children choose to use their wish to help others. One local child donated supplies to medical workers “because he loved his nurses so much throughout his cancer journey and wanted to do something to give back to the people who treated him. Those are always really beautiful wishes to watch,” says Lister.

A young man from Las Cruces wished to meet Dwayne Johnson. Lister says, “He wrote us the most beautiful, heartfelt letter.” The letter explained how meeting “The Rock” changed his life and outlook. He was frustrated with his limitations from his diagnosis. During his time with Johnson, he learned ways to continue being active, giving him the hope and joy to move on.

Disney vacations and celebrity visits are popular local requests. Actor Jon Cena is the number one celebrity wish granter. He has generously granted more than 600 wishes for children across the nation. Lister says, “He goes above and beyond for every wish kid he meets.”

Some wishes are practical, like visiting family in another state, while others are creative.

“Five years ago, a 7-year-old girl had a very specific wish to ride a horse on the beach in a wedding dress. “That is what she wanted, and that’s ultimately what we did for her,” says Lister. “We always want to find out what is at the heart of a child’s wish.”

“We truly believe that a wish is more than just that one singular moment in time; we know it’s the gift of hope to a child.” Lister says that hope gives the children the drive they need to keep fighting.

"What we are told time and time again by medical providers and families and even wish kids themselves is that when they’re going through the wish journey process, oftentimes they participate more in their treatment. They have a much more optimistic outlook because there is something they are looking forward to. There is something they are concentrating on that isn’t just their diagnosis,” says Lister.

To refer a child, visit For more information, visit for Make-A-Wish New Mexico.


“A wish touches more than just that one child. It affects their whole family, their community, and medical providers..."