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Make Eating Healthy Easy

A little planning and creativity are all you need to make sure your family eats clean - and loves it

Hi! I’m Michelle, and I love exercise, dark chocolate, and wine.  A self-proclaimed crazy woman, I spend my time as a business executive, wife to a firefighter, and mom to two sweet and active little kids.  I live a busy life and sometimes wonder what I would do if I didn’t spend my free time on youth sports fields.  As a former college athlete, being fit and strong has always been important to me. Smart eating, daily exercise, and overall internal health are major focuses in our home.  Don’t get me wrong - we enjoy treats and junk food, but always in moderation… although I’m sure my husband and kids want more of the junk in their daily lives!  From my busy family to yours, here are a few tricks of the trade that will help keep your eating habits clean and your energy high.

Meal Prep

Plan on Sundays - this includes lunches, snacks, and dinners.  Pre-make lunches, chop veggies, and spend a couple hours in the kitchen.  It does take some time but with music, a podcast, or TV, you can make it “me” time as well as health prep for the week.  It’s so much easier to eat healthy if the hard work is done.

Get Creative

My husband is famous for asking, “What’s different about this?”  I "hide" fruit and veggies in most of my meals.  My lasagna is full of chopped zucchini and spinach, and pancakes are packed with protein and bananas.

Try Something Different

Experts say it takes taste buds six times tasting something before you decide if you like it.  Push yourself and your family to try new fruits and vegetables.  If you don’t like them the first time, try and try again!

Don’t Deprive Yourself

If you love pizza and don’t allow yourself to eat it, eventually you'll indulge in an entire pie!  Don’t deprive; plan.  If Friday is pizza night, pack the rest of your day full of fiber-rich fruit and veggies.  The pizza will taste even better knowing you planned for it.

Use Pinterest

Bored with your regular recipes?  Get on Pinterest.  Make a board full of family favorites with a healthy twist. 

Lead by Example

Our kids are always watching us.  Focus on the nutrients in food.  Use food as a conversation starter about fueling the body: Eating carrots helps eyesight so you can catch the ball and see well in school. I love preparing food with my 7-year-old daughter, Mac!