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Michelle Scott's kids having fun in the park

Featured Article

Make Nature Your Playground

Encourage your kids to play outdoors - they'll have so much fun they won't even miss their screens

Article by Michelle Scott

Photography by Michelle Scott & Shutterstock

Originally published in Midlothian Lifestyle

Technology is wonderful.  It keeps us connected to family and friends, provides entertainment, and brings simplicity to things in life we didn’t even realize we were missing. Our children already know how participate in virtual school, purchase products online, talk to their friends through video games, change backgrounds in Google Meets, and work the system better than any of us. Their knowledge is vast and wonderful, but it can be all encompassing and take away from some childhood adventures that no kid should miss. 

As the weather transitions to the sunshine and warmth of spring, it’s so important to step away from screens and get back to basics - outdoors.

I remember when my sisters and I would spend hours in the woods exploring.  Whether playing make-believe, building forts, or simply scraping knees and getting dirt under our fingernails, it was outside fun.

Nowadays, in our world full of Fortnite and YouTube, it’s sometimes hard to pry our children from screens and into nature.  Getting the family excited for the outdoors and sunshine is so important. 

Kids are naturally imaginative but sometimes they need a little push to get the creative juices flowing.  Try a nature walk in a park or your neighborhood. Ask them to find sticks to build a fort. 

Plan a scavenger hunt full of things you can find outside, like different variations of plants, trees, and rocks.  My family is very competitive, so we like to have running races and contests to find the coolest “treasures” to bring home to paint or decorate. 

There are so many great outdoor spots at parks in Midlothian, and along the James River. Spending time at Mid-Lothian Mines Park is one of our favorite pastimes! We explore the woods, find creeks, ride bikes and collect rocks.

Vitamin D, which comes from the sun, is so imperative to our overall health and happiness, and by adding the family time, it is just what the doctor ordered for a spring season full of healthy, fresh-air fun!

Michelle Scott is a contributor to Midlothian Lifestyle. She is a mother and a blogger who writes about healthy living.