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Make or Break

Five Things to Consider Before Putting Your Home on the Market

Selling your home doesn't have to be a headache. But more often than not, it is. Why? One reason may be the plethora of misinformation that's floating around on the web. Lucky for us, we recently had the opportunity to put all of that misinformation to rest when we sat down with Charlotte native and local real estate professional Hanes Walker. Hanes shared with us five pieces of advice that everyone can use as they consider putting their house on the market.

1. Consult an interior designer. It's so important to hire a professional who knows how to build in or enhance value-adding amenities to your house. Should you change your furniture layout, raise the ceiling, tear down a wall or merely update the color palette? Interior designers can give you advice on whether or not those things are really needed. 

2. Invest in quality product. Take the advice of the professionals you hire, and do not go cheap. Potential buyers will not be interested in a cheaply modeled or decorated space, so it's better to invest in quality fixtures, appliances and finishings. 

3. Appeal to the market. Remember that you are selling your house for someone else, not yourself. Since you are not staying here, it doesn't need to be—nor should it be—your style. 

4. Curb appeal is important. Make room in your budget to manicure your yard and exterior so it fits your price point. The truth is, no one is going to pay a luxury price for a less than stellar curb appeal.

5. Get your home inspected. Have a home inspection done upfront, and address anything that raises a red flag. 

Learn more about Hanes and his more than 20 years of real estate experience as a real estate agent at