We all want to live our best lives, but sometimes we find ourselves unable to keep up with the demands. In our November issue we featured a story about how Emsculpt changed the life of a massage therapist who was able to return to work after using Emsculpt for his back pain. His story was inspiring and we received such a great response from our readers that we wanted to go more in-depth with what Elite Body & Med Spa offers to those seeking to heal, shape, and care for their bodies.
Elite Body & Med Spa is comprised of three partners, who work behind the scenes to bring years of medical expertise and new state-of-the-art technology to their patients. Dr. E. Jeffrey Donner, who is also the founder of Colorado Spine Institute, and recognizes the health benefits of having strong core muscles as well as a well-toned, healthy body. Kelly Grimm and Dee Goodman, who have both worked with Dr. Donner since 2008 at the Colorado Spine Institute, have over 20 years of medical experience. The practice began by offering Emsculpt, but quickly grew from there to offer a full range of services that allow patients the opportunity to customize their treatment to target any part of their body that they struggle with. This team is passionate about helping their patients feel and look their best.
Jena Trowbridge, who received her esthetician certification from the College of International Esthetics in Arvada, performs all consultations and procedures. Jena is the mother of three and has spent her life calling Colorado home. Before the treatment process, Jena provides a thorough consultation, which allows patients to voice their personal goals and the results they are looking to achieve. Jena explains how the machines work and provides a customized plan of what procedures will work the best for the desired results. It is not uncommon that a patient ends up using an integrated treatment plan that incorporates more than one of the services, to achieve complete satisfaction. The entire experience is tailored to the needs and desires of their patients.
"I enjoy helping my clients feel more confident about themselves." - Jena Trowbridge
Have you tried working out and eating clean, and still not seeing the results you were hoping for? Then it might be time to try something to help kick-start your transformation. Emsculpt is a non-invasive procedure with no recovery time. Typically this procedure involves four visits, twice a week for two weeks. Each 30-minute treatment session delivers roughly 20,000 crunches to the targeted area. This treatment focuses on either the abdomen or buttocks to build muscle and burn stubborn fat. After the session you may experience muscle soreness as if you had a great workout at the gym. This procedure also helps to alleviate symptoms for those suffering from back pain, and has been found effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles after a C-section.
“I came to Emsculpt for a different reason than most. Eight years ago I was in a boating accident, which injured my back. I was having difficulty strengthening my core through traditional exercise, so I began Emsculpt treatments to strengthen my abdomen without putting stress on my back injury. Emsculpt has worked to reduce my back pain.” - Jack
Scarlet SRF
The skin is the first thing people notice. With it being the largest organ of the body it makes sense that it often needs the most care. This innovative technology incorporates short radio frequency (SRF) to improve the health of your skin. Scarlet SRF can be used anywhere on the body for a wide range of dermal concerns. This service provides brilliant results for scar reduction, skin discoloration, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles, all while lifting and tightening the skin. This service can be done on any skin type. Over the years the skin takes on a lot of environmental and hormonal elements. This treatment is incredibly beneficial for surgical or acne scars, stretch marks, sun damage and aging. There is no radiation involved with this treatment and it is safe to use for all ages.
“My 16-year-old son suffers from acne, and his scarring was becoming increasingly pronounced on his cheeks, forehead and chin. I hated to see him suffer from low self-esteem. After he received the Scarlett SRF treatment and using some of the products they offer specifically for acne, his scarring was significantly reduced. He has completely regained his motivation, he’s so happy now.” - Angela
Elite Body & Med Spa carries a wide-range of Obagi skincare products to compliment their skin treatments for outstanding results. Depending on the individual’s needs or concerns, Obagi products may be recommended to supplement treatments. Obagi products are made from high-quality ingredients and are scientifically backed. Obagi has spent the last 30 years building an unparalleled reputation, and Elite Body & Med Spa is proud to be a provider of their line.
BTL Vanquish Me
This non-surgical procedure is proven to eliminate fat in stubborn areas, such as the waist and thighs. Trouble areas are targeted in one treatment session with the largest amount of coverage in the industry. These treatments are designed to reduce the circumference of the abdomen and thighs. This pain-free option has no recovery time, so you can go about your day immediately after the session.
"My experience with Elite Body & MedSpa and their BTL Vanquish Me treatment has been transforming. I have struggled to lose my belly since having my two beautiful children. No matter what I tried, I had stubborn fat that I could not get rid of until I completed four treatments of BTL Vanquish Me. Now, combined with diet and regular exercise, I am able to both feel and see the difference. The stomach fat that has been so stubborn is finally going away and my self-confidence has improved significantly. In addition, Jena and Dee made the experience very comfortable. Each treatment was completed on my lunch break so it made it very easy to keep my regular schedule. I did not experience any downtime and was able to visit the gym the very same day. I am so pleased with my results and this much needed transformation.” -Kristin
“Our mission at Elite Body & Med Spa is to provide the highest quality medical aesthetic services in a comfortable, relaxing environment. We will accomplish this by creating individualized treatment plans utilizing medical grade products, technology and techniques emphasizing a personalized clinician-client relationship.” -Elite Body & Med Spa
For more information on the services that Elite Body & Med Spa provides, or to book a consultation, please visit elitebodymedspa.com.