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Unique piece from all over the world

Featured Article


“One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art” Oscar Wilde

As a small business owner, Malgorzata works in all areas of her business, creating beautiful pieces, designing layouts, even the paperwork. But she is so full of energy, it never seems like a bother. She enjoys what she does, and it shows every time you walk into the door of Malgorzata’s.

In 1988 Malgorzata graduated with a PHD in Chemistry from the University of Florida. A native of Poland, she never anticipated staying in Gainesville, then she met her husband, Jim who is a fellow chemist and artist and things changed.

Over the next 27 years Malgorzata worked for various companies, including becoming a professor at her alma mater. But she had another passion, the Fine Arts. This led her to the Gainesville Artisan's Guild Gallery

For 10 years Malgorzata was the President of Gainesville Artisan Guild. The Gainesville Artisan's Guild Gallery was created to be a network and market for local artists and is among the oldest artist cooperatives in the country. And as a self-supporting entity, Malgorzata attributes much of her business savvy to being their President and learning the tools of how-to manage a business.

All the while Malgorzata would attend street shows and Art Exhibits, not just in Gainesville or Florida but all over the country. She was constantly making connections with fellow artists. She is herself an accomplished weaver and custom dyes silks, and that is just a start. Her husband Jim not only makes furniture but also does wood turning and of course artwork.

Then in 2011 she made the leap and retired from her role as a Chemist and purchased her own shop in Thornebrook Village named Malgorzata’s. After Jim and Malgorzata renovated their shop, including many woodworking artworks by Jim, they opened. She started with a minimum of items and brands. Then Jim and Malgorzata started to travel extensively in the United States, Canada, and Europe not only to showcase their art pieces but also looking for new additions to the gallery. She is always looking for something unique, and beautiful to bring back to her Gainesville friends.

Because she is always searching for new pieces, every time you visit the store it’s a different experience. She knows her customers' names, and what they are looking for when they walk into the store. Her relationship with her customers is the backbone to her success, and their word-of-mouth recommendations mean the world to Malgorzata.

  • Malgorzata Deyrup
  • Unique piece from all over the world
  • Malgorzata's hand woven tops
  • Malgorzata's hand dyed silk scarves
  • Jim's handmade pieces

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