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Uncanny Canines (and Felines!)

These young pet owners share what they have in common with their furry best friends

Children have a special relationship with their family pets. It's a bond that is slapstick most days, full of running and ball throwing, laser pointers and tufts of hair; the energy level is inarguably high. Some days, usually when mud is involved, it's hard to tell the animal from the child! The memories made make every mess worthwhile, however, and these young pet owners break down their favorite moments with their four-legged companions and how fun transcends the species. 

Henry Archie, 14 years old
Penny June, 7 years old

What personality traits do you share with your pet?
We both are very energetic and we love to hang out and play outdoors.
In what ways does your pet make you feel better/brighten your day?
Penny always greets me at the front door when I come home.
What is a favorite moment or funny memory with your pet?
I think after this photo shoot Penny is ready to be a dog model! Having our photo taken together was so fun to be a part of and it will be a fond memory for us to share for many years! 

Elizabeth and Webb Holbert, 11 and 8 years old
Sassy, 8 months old

What personality traits do you share with your pet?
Our dog, Sassy, is energetic, just like us! We are all fun loving and a natural cuddlers.                In what ways does your pet make you feel better/brighten your day?                                      Sassy can always sense when we need a little extra love by giving kisses and sitting next to, but more often, on top of us!                                                                                                            What is a favorite moment or funny memory with your pet?                                                    Sassy is very curious and often gets locked in a closet or bedroom because she’s nosing around. We will notice she’s missing and find her patiently waiting for us to let her out of wherever she’s gotten her silly-self stuck.    

Eli and Charlotte Barricks, 9 and 6 years old
Gon Freecss, 8 months old

What personality traits do you share with your pet?
Our cat is like us because he's really funny, we all like to be silly and make people laugh, and we are all really cute.
In what ways does your pet make you feel better/brighten your day?
We like to teach our cat how to do tricks, it's really fun to use his cat treats and it's so exciting when he listens to us! So far, he has learned his name, he knows "come" and we hope to teach him how to sit.
What is a favorite moment or funny memory with your pet?
We have other pets, but Gon is special because we fostered him from a tiny baby. Our family fosters baby cats from our local shelter that need to be bottle fed, we fostered Gon and his eight other brothers and sisters. Gon always wanted us to hold him and it felt like he chose us to be his forever family. To this day, he sleeps with us every night. 

Brooklyn and Liam Kelley, twins, 3 years old
Gunner, 1 year, 6 months old

What personality traits do you share with your pet?
We are all stubborn and energetic, but we still make time for naps. 
In what ways does your pet make you feel better/brighten your day?
It always makes us happy when we come home and Gunner is so excited to see us. His nature is also very cuddly and loving and it always feels good to get one of his hugs. 
What is a favorite moment or funny memory with your pet?
One time, Gunner jumped on the kitchen island counter and ate an entire loaf of bread, he might have gotten away with it, except he left his paw prints as evidence!