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Marinated With Love

I love a good steak … one where you can tell that the chef has carefully selected just the right cut of meat, marinated it with the perfect seasonings, then lovingly grilled it to deliciousness! Being a dad is a lot like that; the marinade is what makes it worth it. Family traditions are the perfect marinade for relationships to flourish.

Raising children can be challenging and even downright difficult. But raising them with unconditional love is always worth it! I am passionate about family traditions—old, passed down or new ones just started—I just love the emotions that result from carrying out family traditions.

Being raised in a football family, sports have always been one of our biggest family traditions. Quality time spent with my boys almost always includes me watching them play, me coaching them play, us just playing a pickup game, or us going to watch one of our favorite teams. College football (we are partial to OSU Cowboys!), is one of our favorite traditions. We love going to Stillwater, seeing Bullet, eating EVERYTHING at the concession, singing the fight song, spotting Pistol Pete, and cheering on our Pokes!

I remember growing up as a kid, every time we would drive up I-35 and cross into Payne County, my dad would start whimpering and moaning, and he would announce that we were in “pain” county! Now, every time I drive into Payne County, I do the exact same thing with a bit of nostalgia. That’s what traditions do; they remind us of a special memory while simultaneously creating a new one.

Memories are the marinade of love. They wrap us up, saturate our every nook and cranny, and provide an unmistakable zest for life. Remembering should be done with intention, especially when it comes to your most important relationships. Even memories of bad times are important, as they remind you of what you’ve been through and who helped you get through it.

Besides football, insurance has been one of our family traditions. At one time or another, every adult person in my immediate family has owned or worked for an insurance agency. I guess that’s why I was drawn to it as a career choice. It’s just part of who I am. It’s not what I do, it’s WHY I do it. Protection, in life or insurance, is not just about escaping disaster, it’s about being ready for disaster. That preparedness was instilled in me through family traditions.

I want to also instill in my boys the importance of being prepared. Hopefully, that includes teaching them about manners, Jesus, sports, insurance, integrity—in short, about all things important! There are so many teachable moments. That “marinade of love” is also about simply being present. That is probably one of the most important family traditions that has been passed down to me.  No distractions! Keep eye contact and listen actively.

These family traditions have helped me in my agency as well. Our agency motto is “Building relationships through trust and respect.” I think that’s why I am so passionate about insurance. I want to help you protect your family traditions. I believe that educating people about protection and coverage is a vital part of giving others peace of mind so they can worry about other things—like raising their kids or creating memories like attending football games, or even just being present around the dinner table.

Speaking of dinner… I think it’s time to put some steaks on!

Gregory Brown is a Farmers Insurance agent with offices located in Oklahoma City at 12304 N. May Ave. Visit for more information.

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