Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Athena West. No... I am not Greek (though I try my best to live up to the strong Greek name I was given). My father was taking an elective in Greek Mythology in college when I was born. I was supposed to be "Kimberly." but at the last minute my Dad convinced my Mom to change it. I have a husband who is just as much my friend as he is my spouse. We really just like each other! We have two teenagers who I love... but couldn't be more different from each other. The "nature vs. nurture" argument is an easy answer for me. Nature! Raised the same... very different personalities, interests, etc. We moved to the Middle TN area on a whim eight years ago and it was the best spontaneous decision we made for our family. We are embedded in the community and love everything about Tennessee.
How did you get involved in publishing?
I am a former television journalist who was a reporter at three stations until I decided I didn't want to be the next Barbra Walters! There is a lot of glitz and glamor in the TV business.... but there is a lot of burn-out! There is a saying in television news..."If it bleeds it leads." I loved reporting on the "feel good stories" about community at the end of every newscast. So when I moved to Tennessee, I decided I wanted to use my journalism and love of story-telling by owning and publishing Franklin Lifestyle. I am honored to be able to tell the stories of the people, events, and businesses in that area. Now... I am honored to tell the stories of the people, events and businesses in the growing Thompson's Station and Spring Hill areas.
What's been your greatest accomplishment?
I think accomplishments are just stops along the journey. I don't have a favorite accomplishment. I am just true to my gut instincts, beliefs, and the internal moral compass that exists in all of us. We just have to listen to it. We have a saying in our house that comes from the great Wayne Gretzky: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." I love helping and encouraging others to take a leap of faith. I take pride in helping others succeed and being a part of their journey.
What are your future goals for the magazine?
Many hands make light work. I want input from business owners, residents and readers to feel like this is their magazine. To tell their stories and give people the opportunity to 'tell the story behind the story.' I am always in learning mode and I encourage emails, ideas, and feedback. Perhaps something readers read will spark a friendship, a laugh, and support for each other.
Welcome to Thompson's Station Lifestyle.