Damon Brown’s art is an intentional blend of classical art, urban narratives, and conceptual illustration. From a young age, Damon was influenced by comic books and cartoons, and would sketch and draw as a hobby; it wasn’t until much later in life that he began to design and sell his art. “My art is inspired by my life, history, culture, community and current events. As a Black artist, my lens shines light on the inequalities, pain and struggles my community has faced throughout time, juxtaposed with joy, nurturing, love and celebration“ says Damon. “Rose Up”, the art on this months cover, represents the struggles of being an African American male in the United States. Damon says it’s a play on history, the question it poses: do you see the boy as a slave in a cotton field, or strolling through a rose garden? The art challenges you to question your biases. “Like any other culture, we have a story to tell. The Black Lives Matter movement has exposed injustices that I, as a Black artist, have faced.” To support Black artists, Damon suggests conducting research, educating yourself, and engaging with African American artistry and history.
Article by Caitlin Agnew
Originally published in Bellevue Lifestyle